‘Gravity is the Word’ – Introduction to my book

I have been working on a book titled ‘Gravity is the Word’ for 30 years. It is now complete, and awaiting proof reading.

The PDF attachment comprises the Preface, Prologue and the first of 16 chapters. If you would like to read the remainder of the book before its final preparation for publication, please respond to this blog post (I will keep your response private).

The book is a synthesis of many domains. I take on the great mysteries of theology, science (physics and the life sciences), philosophy, mathematics, depth psychology, antisemitism, and the meaning of Israel. My book is apposite, as almost the whole world turns against the Jews of Israel.

I won’t attempt to summarise the book here – the Preface does that. Suffice it to say that the book is the antidote to Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion.

God of Israel is as omnipresent as gravity. I open my book by posing the question, ‘what is Gravity?’ Gravity is not what contemporary science says it is. In fact, to get a better understanding of Gravity we need to go back – in some ways at least – to Sir Isaac Newton, who understood Gravity to be the very ‘breath of God’. And nothing was more important to Newton than the meaning of Israel.

I will shortly begin seeking a publisher. If you are interested in publishing my work, please do contact me.

Click the ‘Download’ button to save the PDF to your device. (Please note that I have decided not to link to sources and references in the Preface. The Prologue and the main body of the book contain all the necessary links and references.)

Posted in Antisemitism, Christianity, Ecology, France, Gravity, Great Britain, Israel, Judaism, Musicology, Political philosophy, Science, Theology | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

2023 – Israel in the News

The need for a Terminology Guide for understanding the world’s lethal hatred, lethal journalism, and lethal social media directed at Israel.

Over the next few weeks, I am going to create a comprehensive guide to terminology, an A to Z, from ‘Apartheid’ to ‘Zionist’. I will explain the background, history, use, and misuse, of each term.

For each term, word or expression (expressions such as, ‘from the river to the sea…’), I will write – and ask other contributors to write – a self-contained piece of approximately 1000 words, with sources. I will include in the guide some landmarks of the history of Israel, and the history of antisemitism, from Biblical times to this day.

I begin with the 7000-word essay attached here as a PDF, explaining the urgent need for a Terminology Guide, and analysing some of the lethal journalism and lethal social media that we have seen since 7th October 2023.

To download the PDF, click on the download button below.

To contact me privately, leave a comment to this blog. Only I will see the comment, unless it is a comment compatible with the project, and you ask me to make it public.

Posted in Antisemitism, Christianity, France, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Judaism, Political philosophy | Leave a comment

Israel versus Human Rights

The ‘Human Rights’ movement is the most specious and insidious ideology of our times. It is a false god for Western nations, and it is used by the Islamic and Communist nations to dupe the West. My friend, the historian Professor Richard Landes, has written an excellent essay on this phenomenon, titled Demopaths and Dupes.

Richard explains how the non-Western nations invoke the West’s faith in Human Rights against the West, in order to achieve political aims. And yet Islamic and Communist nations adhere to none of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The ‘Human Rights’ movement, then, is counterproductive. It undermines the West and shields the Islamic and Communist nations. And at every international forum of Human Rights, every nation picks on a single scapegoat to deflect attention away from its own abuses of people. The scapegoat is, of course, the single Jewish nation. Western, Islamic and Communist nations can all agree that condemnations of Human Rights should be directed uniquely at Israel, which ironically, is, with Cyprus, the only nation in the Middle East that adheres to any sensible and moral definition of Human Rights.

The UN General Assembly (UNGA, founded in 1945) and the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC, founded in 2006), in their histories, have issued more nation-specific condemnations against Israel than against all the other nations of the world combined (catalogued by UN Watch). In the first decade of the UNHCR, the organisation issued 62 condemnations of Israel, and 55 condemnations for the rest of the world combined.

Similarly, all Human Rights NGOs I can think of are obsessed with Israel, such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the Quakers, the Red Cross, the World Council of Churches and, of course, the Muslim NGOs, such as in the West, the Muslim Council of Britain, founded in 1997, the Muslim Association of Britain, founded in 1997 by a former leader of Hamas (Muhammad Kathem Sawalha), the Council of Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), founded in 1994, and Collectif contre l’islamophobie founded in France in 2003.

These Muslim organisations are Western fronts of the Muslim Brotherhood, that appeal to Western human rights – including ‘diversity and inclusion’ – hiding behind the shield of ‘Islamophobia’, and at the same time imposing so much fear on Western societies that, here in the UK for instance, we now have de facto Sharia law. In England, blasphemy laws were abolished in 2008, but if anyone is perceived by the Muslim communities, and the Muslim charities, to have blasphemed against Islam, he or she is at risk of death by Muslim lynch mobs, as explained here by writer/broadcaster Emma Webb, concerning the English town of Batley.

UK Parliament refuses to properly tackle or even discuss this evil, for fear of causing ‘Islamophobia’ in the UK, and for fear of losing their democratic mandate in Muslim-populated areas. Similarly, UK Parliament all but ignores Islamic antisemitism. In this episode – a convoy of cars with loudspeakers in a Jewish area of London promising to rape the mothers and daughters of Jews – the protagonists were arrested, only two of whom were charged, but with no consequences.  

For more details on the threat of Islamism to Israel and the West, see the 10,000 word joint essay I wrote with Professor Richard Landes in November 2020. And see the website of the organisation NGO Monitor, for cataloguing and research of the NGOs I’ve mentioned, and many other NGOs.

Of course, historically, Jews in every nation (especially Christian nations) were blamed for the nation’s ills. Today, the Jewish nation is blamed for the world’s ills.

As we know, Jew hatred is the world’s oldest hatred. It is also the world’s most lethal hatred: lethal for everyone, not least the hater.

And as we know, Jew hatred starts with the Jews but never ends with the Jews. Within the last century we have the historical lessons of the Dreyfus Affair, and World War II, and, following the murder or expulsion of all Jews of the Middle East, we have the extant genocide of Christians in Islamic nations of the Middle East and Africa. The West diligently ignores this extant genocide of Christians. If Christians like me criticise triumphalist Muslims, the same Muslims invoke human rights, on the grounds that I am ‘Islamophobic’ and therefore abuser of their human rights. At the same time, leaders of the Islamic nations seem not really to care about the ‘Human Rights’ of anyone, including Muslims. Most Islamic nations today are in violent conflict with themselves or with the nations on their borders. And the Islamic nations ignore the persecution of Muslims in China, just as the leaders of Christian nations ignore the persecution of Christians in China (as exposed here by the Christian charity Open Doors UK).

At the time of writing, the UNHRC has nominated the Islamic Republic of Iran to chair its next forum this November. It makes sense actually; what better nation to chair the antisemitic UNHRC than the very nation that is overtly unequivocal in its ambition to eradicate Israel? What better nation to chair the UNHRC than the nations whose ‘Quds Force’ exists to take Jerusalem and rename it Al-Quds, in anticipation of the twelfth imam, who will fight with the Muslim prophet Jesus (‘Isa son of Maryam’) to effect the Islamic Apocalypse?

The fact that Iran violates every single one of the UNGA 30 articles of Human Rights is trumped by Iran’s anti-Israelism. No nation in the world is better qualified than Iran to pursue the goals of the UN’s Human Rights Council.

How and why did Human Rights become the scandal it is today?

In 1948 in Paris, leaders and influencers in culture, law and politics from 58 nations gathered at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to proclaim ‘The Universal Declaration of Human Rights’.

The structure of the document – and to some extent the content of the document – was based on the Napoleonic Code: the first modern pan-national system of legal coding, adopted throughout Europe, Latin America, and much of the French Empire (or if not fully adopted, the Napoleonic Code nevertheless deeply influenced the systems put in place by nations aiming to modernise).

I think that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, derived from the Napoleonic Code, is about as good a document we can have in our times, apart from one huge omission, an omission that, in hindsight, has resulted in the absolute and extant failure of the whole UN project, and especially the Human Rights project.

Unlike Napoleon himself, whose vision and Code emancipated the Jews of Europe from the Church-enforced ghettos, the main drafter of the UN Declaration – René Cassin – failed to write into the Declaration that special measures are necessary to counter antisemitism. Antisemitism is a special and chronic problem that, when it flares up anywhere in the world, destroys everything, as if by divine law.

I suggest that Cassin’s oversight was inexcusable, because he was a Jew – albeit a left-wing secularist Jew – who was old enough to remember the Dreyfus Affair, as Cassin himself told the world in his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968.

Cassin’s declaration obviously did not deliver peace: Shalom. Cassin did not understand Shalom. I suggest that anyone, even a schoolchild, could write a humanist declaration of human rights. Cassin failed to see that the preservation of human dignity and sanctity depends not on any humanist charter we can concoct, but on the ancient moral and legal code of Israel: the Ten Commandments. Five of the Ten Commandments concern our obligations to God Almighty. Ignore our obligations to God Almighty, God of Israel, and it is impossible to defend the sanctity of human being, and we all become vulnerable to those who would lead us to lesser ‘gods’, including Human Rights.

Not until 2016 did the world attempt a ‘working definition of antisemitism’. Perhaps it is helping, but it is ‘a non-legally binding statement’, and it is easily ignored, or worked around. It does not prevent all the baying nations of the UN from continuing to condemn Israel according to the putative Human Rights decided by the UNHCR, and the associated International Criminal Court, which in recent years has also become obsessed with Israel.

The main purpose of UNGA’s Declaration on Human Rights in 1945 was to say ‘Never Again’ to the Holocaust. In December 1948 UNGA published its first ‘human rights treaty’: the Genocide Convention. But neither of these documents mentions that antisemitism is a special case.

I suggest that antisemitism and anti-Israelism cannot be meaningfully understood in secular forums. Antisemitism is largely a religious problem, rooted in Christian and Islamic supersessionism or ‘replacement’ theology.

Although political leaders and Church leaders in the Christian nations of the West can no longer allow themselves to be overtly antisemitic, they can, and do, now outsource their antisemitism to genocidal jihadists whose published charters (such as of Hamas, Palestinian Authority/Fatah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad) are no different in their overt genocidal aims to Nazism. Germany in particular outsources its antisemitism through huge funding of overtly antisemitic – and often jihadist –NGOs in Palestine, as I wrote here in Blogs Times of Israel.

Germany often pushes, in cahoots with the Islamic nations, anti-Israel condemnations through the UN. The screenshot below is from a tweet of Hillel Neuer, Chief Executive of UN Watch:

Some analysts of antisemitism have suggested that Germany’s obsession with demonising Israel and Jews might be because some Germans today – whether they realise it or not – are trying in part to justify the actions of their Nazi parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

The UN’s overt antisemitism, led from the Islamic world, can be precisely dated to 1975. It was in this year that the UNGA received President Idi Amin, in his capacity as Chairman of the Organization of African Unity. By this time, Amin had already perpetrated extensive massacres of his own people. And he had proven and peerless antisemitic credentials. Amin approved of the Holocaust, and, in a telegram to the Secretary General of the UN in 1972, advocated the genocide of all Jews. He named a park in Kampala after Hitler, and proposed that a statue of Hitler be erected for want of one in Germany.

The nations of the 1975 UNGA session were not to be disappointed. Amin gave a speech on ‘the Zionist-American conspiracy’ now threatening the world, and which called for the ‘extinction’ of Israel. Tellingly, he received a standing ovation both before and after his speech. The following day, the UN Secretary General and the UNGA President received Amin at a public dinner in his honour. Two weeks later, with renewed confidence following its coming out party, the UNGA voted to pass a motion condemning the very establishment of the State of Israel as ‘racism’, and has continued to do so ever since.

Much of the West’s anti-Israelism is imported from contemporary Islam. Our universities are funded by the wealthy Gulf States, led by Qatar, today the political and intellectual base of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose core ideology is genocidal antisemitism, resembling the Nazism from which it sprung in Cairo in the 1930s.

Since the turn of the millennium (and the Second Intifada), Hitler and the Muslim Brotherhood have regained worldwide popularity. Mein Kampf has variously been a bestseller in Islamic nations such as TurkeyBangladeshPA TerritoriesJordanPakistan, etc.

I suggest that we cannot tackle the problem of antisemitism/anti-Israelism through international forums such as the UN, Human Rights Watch, the ICC, the World Council of Churches, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Amnesty International, the Red Cross, etc.

The lesson of history is that every international forum inevitably gravitates to antisemitism/anti-Israelism, unless that forum sets out to tackle antisemitism/anti-Israelism as a unique problem.

The root of the problem, or the curse, is theological and metaphysical. It is obvious, in any case, that the most vigorous and violent enemies of Israel today are Islamists, whose logic is derived from their perverted theology. Those of us in the West who believe in God of Israel (most of us are Christians of course) and understand the metaphysical evil of antisemitism, must promote a theological, not secular, understanding of Israel, through which, ultimately, God will bless all nations.

Posted in Antisemitism, Christianity, France, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Judaism, Political philosophy, Theology, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Rise and Fall of Scientistic Civilisation, 1900 to 2022

  • Update, March 2023. Since I wrote this piece in October 2022, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), headquartered in California, collapsed. SVB was the 16th largest bank in the US, making it the largest bank to fail since the financial crisis of 2008. According to its own statement, ‘50% of US venture-backed tech and life sciences companies [banked] with SVB’.

    Amongst the reasons for collapse is, we are told, the ‘cooling off’ of the ‘tech sector’. In this piece, and in others, I argue that the world now has too much science and ‘tech’. In the West, we now saturate our children with ‘tech’, even promising ‘metaverses’ that detaches them from their true nature and human being in the universe, created by God Almighty.

    The collapse of SVB is – I hope – a sign that scientism itself is collapsing. Having said that, I wish the employees and customers of SVB well. Coincidentally, I did some work for SVB a decade ago, not in tech or life sciences (despite my technical career involved in both these sectors) but in fine art, as I wrote in this recent post on this blog: https://markpickles.wordpress.com/2023/03/11/my-city-of-london-paintings-at-silicon-valley-bank/

I define scientistic civilisations as those whose predominant intellectual, political, medical and (sometimes) religious philosophies are scientism.

I define scientism as belief in the knowledge and power of science as the main authority for truth, if not the single source of truth. Scientism always undermines faith in God as Truth, either intentionally or implicitly.  

Many national governments have accepted the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) theory of a ‘fourth industrial revolution’ (4IR). This policy paper of the UK Government’s tells us of the UK’s 4IR ‘partnership with WEF to shape global rules on innovative products and services’.

And in this ‘Think Piece’ published by the UK Government in May 2021, we are told that a ‘new paradigm is dawning’ called ‘Human Augmentation’. The new ‘paradigm’ envisions our being enhanced through gene editing, implanted brain-computer interfaces, and drugs. The paper suggests that we must act fast to get to Human Augmentation first, before our ‘enemies’ and ‘competitors’.  

As I see it, there have not been four industrial revolutions. There have been four scientistic revolutions. Despite the benefits of modern science, all these paradigms have been utterly Godless, which is why the first three catastrophically failed, and the extant fourth is failing.

The first scientistic revolution was centred on Paris at the Fin de siècle. Newly-electrified Paris was literally ablaze for the first time in history. France celebrated La Belle Époque by constructing the tallest tower in the world. Surely, it was generally thought, so long as science could come up with a cure for the syphilis raging through Paris (as in fact medical science did in 1909), and so long as France could overcome the humiliation of the Franco-Prussian War, things could only get better. Reason had finally triumphed. The Catholic Church in France, powerless to respond to this hedonist ‘age of reason’, did what historically it has often done when things are going wrong: blame the Jews: the Church sided with the Anti-Dreyfusards in the Dreyfus Affair (1894-1906) triggering the 20th-century movement of anti-Semitism on the European Continent. (French intellectuals, not Germans, first proposed the theory of a superior ‘Aryan race’.)

La Belle Époque was short-lived. France in particular was devastated by World War I, which saw in the second scientistic revolution, as Russia ended its entente with Britain and France in 1917 in favour of Communist Revolution. When the USA joined the War, a new pestilence spread around the globe: la grippe espagnole, or the Spanish flu (which wasn’t primarily Spanish, but Spain, being a neutral nation in WWI, was reporting the consequences of the flu virus, whereas the Allies and the Central Powers did not want to harm morale).

The philosophical underpinning of Communism was, and is, scientism. All things could be reasoned through science, including, it was claimed, the inexorable ‘logic of history’ (a phrase still used by President Xi Jinping such as here in his 2022 ‘special address’ to the WEF).

The third scientistic revolution followed World War II, and, again, its intellectual epicentre was Paris. Academic disillusionment with Christianity was now total. Academics variously known as French Existentialists, Structuralists, Poststructuralists and Deconstructionists came up with scientific theories of society and language, and attempted to remove innate allusions to the Holy in Western languages. Jacques Derrida for instance asserted that all Western languages are ‘Logocentric’, i.e. they everywhere allude to the Logos (Logos being synonymous with God in Christian theology). Even words such as ‘man’ and ‘woman’ had to be deconstructed, according to the Michel Foucault, arguably the founding father of transgenderism and what we now call ‘Woke’. (Foucault moved in a subculture of homosexual sado-masochism and recreational drugs. He died in Paris age 57 in 1984 of the then new threat to Parisian hedonism: AIDS.)

The fourth scientistic revolution is the one we are now witnessing. It seems to be equally as attractive to the Communists of the East as to the Woke of the West. Its powerful advocates range from the Chinese Communist Party to PayPal, organisations that see social crediting as a way to achieve the goal. I believe the extant attempt at ‘Great Reset’ (launched by the Prince of Wales in June 2020) is the death throes of scientism (or Marxist-Leninist Scientific Atheism, as Communists call it) which is why since 2020 scientism has been putting up its most globally coordinated and fiercest fight.

The fourth scientistic revolution began in 2000, with the mapping of the human genome, as I wrote here for The Conservative Woman. The human genome project has failed to deliver on its promises, but in desperation to push through gene therapy (through modified mRNA to express foreign proteins), the long-standing ethics of science and medicine have been thrown out of the window. Unlicensed medicines have been released, and even mandated, without the full term of clinical trials and the gathering of long-term data. I wrote here (again in The Conservative Woman) about the low Probability of Success of any medicine getting through all phases of trial to license to market . Already some of the Covid-19 medicines have been quietly withdrawn, or, in some nations, banned outright. I am far from alone in thinking that deployment of the various Covid-19 gene-therapy medicines spuriously marketed as ‘vaccines’ is the biggest scandal in the history of science and medicine since Lysenskoism in the Soviet Union.

Three or Four Generations of Scientism, from Trofim Lysenko to Richard Dawkins

Arguably, the most influential biologist in the Communist scientistic revolution was Trofim Lysenko, and the most influential biologist today is Richard Dawkins. Dawkins is a spokesman for The Royal Society and Oxford University. He was given a regular platform on the BBC and was sponsored by the wealth of Microsoft: Charles Symoni, head of software, funded the Symoni Chair of Professor for the Public Understanding of Science, at Oxford University, on the understanding that Dawkins be the first incumbent. Whilst on the Chair for ‘Public Understanding…’, Dawkins wrote The God Delusion.

The Communists, the Fascists, the Nazis and the Shinto imperialists all used and encouraged their scientists and their medical doctors to demonise perceived enemies of their ideology. Establishment scientists demonised free thinking scientists, including leaders in their field. In Germany for instance, German scientists demonised Jewish scientists and their Jüdische Physik. Almost all German doctors under Nazism simply did as they were told, just as in the UK since 2020, almost all doctors have followed the UK Government which claims to be ‘following the science’.

Do I compare Dawkins to the anti-Christian scientists of Communism and Nazism? Yes.

Look for instance at this film made by Dawkins’ own institution the ‘Center for Inquiry’ (CFI). According to the CFI, any scientist, doctor, politician, or layman that opposes injectables (or so-called vaccines) of modified mRNA with nucleoside-modified nanoparticles is a demon.

Almost a year later, it is outrageous to say that Covid-19 ‘vaccine efficacy is extraordinary’, but Dawkins is still saying it, selling tickets as ‘one of the world’s most renowned scientists’. A year after his ‘demons’ film, he says:

‘In the twenty-first century, humanity is reaching new heights of scientific understanding – and at the same time appears to be losing its mind. How can a species that discovered vaccines for Covid-19 in less than a year produce so much fake news, quack cures and conspiracy theorising?’


The failure of the US-sponsored Gain-of-Function research in Wuhan, and the failure of the antidote (an injectable of modified mRNA) that Moderna patented even before the pandemic was announced, spells the end to scientism. 4IR and ‘Great Reset’ are rapidly losing credibility. The reputation of Richard Dawkins will sink as surely as the reputation of Trofim Lysenko.

God is on the move. It is the logic of Logos.

Posted in Antisemitism, Christianity, France, Germany, Great Britain, Judaism, Political philosophy, Science, Theology | 1 Comment

Apocalypse and the Signs of the Times:

  • Communism,
  • Nazism,
  • Ukraine,
  • The Jewish Problem,
  • The nations united by Anti-Israelism,
  • Islamism
  • ‘Pandemic’
  • Science,
  • Vials of Laboratory-Amplified Viruses
  • Corrupted and Complicit Church,
  • Music

I think, and hope, we are arriving at the end of the age, or Aion in the Biblical Greek that Matthew attributed to Jesus (Matt 28:20). This means, according to my interpretation of Jewish and Christian apocalyptic writings, that we are nearing the end, or completion, of the Apocalypse.

I maintain that Apocalypse means the end of the world’s tribulations for the aion (or aeon), not the beginning of tribulations. I know that such an interpretation does not conform to the most popular Christian interpretations of apocalyptic prophecy, but I share it with thinkers such as Sir Isaac Newton, GWF Hegel, and Carl Gustav Jung (such as in his book Aion – Researches into the Phenomenology of Self).

For Hegel and Jung, the allegorical Fall of Man (or ‘Adam’ in the Hebrew) was a metaphysical necessity. Man had to come into self-conscious separation from the rest of the Creation and its animal kingdom in order to become God’s ‘image’ on Earth. We cannot know good (or anything in fact, such as happiness, loyalty, forgiveness, trust, truth, light, joy…) unless we are capable of differentiating it against its binary opposite. We necessarily live in a binary world. Everything is Genesis is divided into two: day and night, wake and sleep, light and dark, order and chaos, man and woman, heaven and earth, good and evil…

Inevitably our self-conscious separation from God has good and evil consequences. Unlike all other creatures on Earth, we have conscious free will, including obviously the free will to do evil. However, some of us have faith that, even in the most tyrannical of times, human free will, and human evil, is ultimately limited by God’s overarching Providence.

Whatever evil is concocted by regimes of man might well appear to its protagonists to succeed for up to three or four generations, but ultimately, the evil perishes, and good wins. As for the destiny of souls of the protagonists of evil, God only knows. Faith informs us that we do not need to, and should not, revengefully seek justice, because ultimately all things are balanced out in God’s eternal justice.

At the end of the Apocalypse, following God’s judgement, Good wins definitively. As in the beginning, all becomes ‘good’, indeed, ‘very good’ as after the sixth day and the creation of man according to Genesis.

The human being is different from all other creatures on Earth in that he is conscious that he is conscious, just as Adam and Eve become conscious of their nakedness: i.e. their self-conscious separation from the rest of Creation, and conscious of their own mortality (knowledge of life). Good and evil are only possible with knowledge of good and evil. And it can only be a sin to allow oneself to be tempted into evil if one knows that there is such a thing as evil. As I’ve written elsewhere on theology:

‘A blackbird always sings like a blackbird. A lion always growls like a lion. It is impossible for a blackbird or a lion or a human baby to be evil because they have no knowledge of evil. A fully sentient human being, on the other hand, chooses to growl or sing, take or give, oppress or serve, forgive or seek revenge, be compassionate or cruel in response to the suffering of others (including other creatures), become wise or remain foolish, love or hate…’

I know that what I have written above contradicts the Western Church’s doctrine of Original Sin, but, with the Orthodox Church and Judaism, and I have never accepted the Augustinian doctrine of Original Sin. Hegel interpreted the allegory of the Fall as God’s pushing man out of the Garden of Eden in order to begin the dialectical struggle of our coming into self-conscious knowledge of God, which requires our separation from God before we can properly ‘walk’ with God in the Garden, and enjoy the Garden, as the Creator does. The Christian Bible, like the Jewish Bible, has a symmetry: the very last chapter (Revelation 22), ‘Eden Restored’, is ‘alpha and omega, the beginning and the end’, and the healing of the nations as the whole world comes into knowledge of God Omnipotent.

At the end of the aion, the journey of history is complete, because we arrive ‘back’ to our mythological beginning. But from beginning to end of history, God Omnipotent allows spiritually dark powers to roam the earth, biblically depicted as fallen angels (or Nephilim in Genesis), sea monsters, dragons, beasts, horsemen (the four horses in Zechariah and Revelation), etc. I interpret these entities metaphorically and mythically, but spiritual darkness is objectively real and abroad. Maleficent powers lurk in our individual and collective psyche, and will do until (metaphorically speaking) buried in a pit at the end of the age. 

[  I note, with C.G. Jung, that ‘myth’ is not anachronistic nonsense. Myth is meaningfully and universally embedded in the human psyche, or soul. (Psyche is the Greek for soul, and psyche is also the Greek for butterfly. The Socratic and Aristotelian philosophers used the metamorphosis of the butterfly as a metaphor for the immortality of the soul.)

Jung travelled the world, with translators, to meet remote and primitive tribes. He discovered that there are universal myths, metaphors and dreams shared by primitive peoples that never came into contact, causing Jung to propose his theory of the ‘collective unconscious’.

Our mythical world, with its many ‘archetypes’, surfaces even in men who think they are highly scientific and living by pure reason. How else could almost all the people of Germany, the most scientifically and philosophically advanced nation in the world, suddenly find themselves emblazoned with ancient Indian swastikas, making the Fascist salute to their ‘Fuhrer’, and goose-stepping before the imperial eagle of Caesar’s Rome? Similarly, Italy and Japan were among the most intellectually and technologically advanced nations of the world as they entered WWII with their supremacist and highly irrational ideologies.  

As for the Creation myths in Genesis, we know there are some similarities to other myths of the epoch, just as Biblical Hebrew, the Holy Language, is one of a family of Semitic languages. But this does not mean we should relativise the Holy Language or the Holy Bible. The Bible is True not because all of it is literally or historically true, but because it is so deeply metaphorically true. In my many arguments with Christian fundamentalists who insists the Bible is literally true, I pose questions such as: was Jesus literally a door (John 10:9), made of wood with metal hinges? You see, Rabbi Jesus continued, in many of his teachings, in the Jewish tradition of sacred metaphor.

Of course divine revelation had to come in forms understandable to the intellect and psychology of its receivers, not least Moses, who had been raised by Pharaoh’s daughter, to become ‘learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians’ (Acts 7:22). I recommend Rabbi Joshua Berman’s book Ani Maamin, which explains how the Biblical creation myths differ from their contemporary myths. Genesis has many semiotic, linguistic and mathematical layers and symmetries that exist in no other text, such as Gilgamesh and the other myths of Mesopotamia.

The Jewish Bible also differs from its contemporary texts and ideas in that it promises, and prays for, peace and prosperity and harmony (indeed musical harmony) for all peoples of the world in the One True God. All other nations, and even cities in fact, had their own gods and idols and men who claimed to be gods. Athens and Ephesus had Athena and Artemis (Diana) whose chanting and braying followers Saint Paul challenges, according to Acts 17:23-34 and Acts 19:28.

The Jerusalem Temple was primarily a temple of music, in whose song, ultimately, everyone on Earth will sing. Read the apocalyptic very last psalm, Psalm 150 for instance, as the temple choir and orchestra bring the history of the world to its peaceful destiny. The messianic (anointed) king, King David was musician and Psalmist, whose 10-stringed harp is symbolically the sign of the messianic Age to Come. And as with ancient myth and languages, ancient Jewish music both influenced and absorbed the music of surrounding cultures, particularly during the exiles of the People Israel: Egyptian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman. There has been a cross-fertilisation of music and song between Jewish and Western composers and musicians to this day. The Church sings the whole cycle of Psalms, using sacred Hebrew words such as ‘Hallelujah’ and ‘Amen’. The Great American Songbook is overwhelmingly Jewish, and some of it – notably Somewhere Over the Rainbowalludes to Zion, the Promised Land. Some of the music of Israel today owes its origins to the Middle East, and some of it looks back to the West. The very national anthem of Israel for instance, the Hatikvah, uses the melody of the 16th century Italian madrigal La Mantovana.

As for Christian apocalyptic myth – not least the Book of Revelation – this too has multiple layers of pattern and symmetry, including a symmetry with Genesis, as we will see. And as in the Jewish texts, the Book of Revelation ends in music, as the Jerusalem Temple is restored. The world and the heavenly host sings, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy… Lord God Almighty’ and as in Handel’s famous ‘Hallelujah chorus’ from Messiah.‘Hallelujah: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth’. ]

At the end, as in the beginning, man becomes properly and harmoniously re-integrated with Creation and with the Creator, with whom we are, in some sense, mirror images (Imago Dei). Saint Paul famously said, ‘now we see through a glass darkly…’ and know God in part, until we come to know God as surely as we are known by God. Paul’s metaphor becomes meaningful when we remember that he lived in the Bronze Age, when mirrors were polished metal, and far from the perfectly clear (albeit reversed) image of ourselves we can see today in our back-silvered glass mirrors, or indeed in our photographs and films and ourselves.

Of course, Eden Restored, or ‘Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven’, is an utter mystery. It is God’s vision for mankind. We can no more envision it than a blind man can describe colour, and, importantly, we must not politically plan the end of history. We can but do good and trust the Lord (as we hear often in the Psalms, echoed by Jesus), and be watchful for the ‘signs of the times’, and look to Jerusalem and the blessings of the nations. Any ‘kingdom’ planned in the mind man is not the Kingdom of God, or what Saint Augustine of Hippo called the City of God in De civitate Dei contra paganos. Similarly, C.S. Lewis explains in The Abolition of Man how the secularism and the scientism of the ‘Democrats’ and the ‘mild-eyed scientist in pince-nez’ is ultimately no different to that of ‘Communists and Fascists’, and:

‘What we call Man’s power over Nature turns out to be power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument… Man’s conquest of Nature, if the dreams of some scientific planners are realised, means the rule of a few hundreds of men over billions upon billions of men’.

Man’s vision for man would be too small, and inevitably spurious, whether that vision comes from the political left, political right, or political centre. Any great plans of man, such as Communism or ‘Great Reset’ or the UN’s Agenda 2030 must fail. Joined-up political planning never has, and never can, bless the world’s poor and meek. Of course, Christians are compelled to help the poor, but not in cahoots with internationalist political plans. As in USSR and the Socialist Bloc, and the Great Chinese Famine (1958-1961), all man’s godless grand political plans to serve the poor make things worse for the poor and everyone. They are never Good; they are always cursed. Providence cannot allow them to work because God has promised to bring the world into Kingdom of God, with the healing of the nations. And by ‘nations’ we mean diverse nations (symbolically 70 nations in the Bible) and not an internationalist bloc or Communist commonwealth. Culturally, the best of every nation could only come out of that nation, whereas the worst of every nation could come from any nation. God only knows what is the ultimate Good and ultimate justice for Earth, and the destiny and blessing of the nations. And God only knows the time of the end and the time to ‘restore the kingdom to Israel’ (Acts 1:6-7).

The utopian vision of any individual person or group – such as the godless ‘Great Reset’ of the Prince of Wales and the World Economic Forum (WEF), must be utterly rejected and opposed. When the whole world joins to agree to such a plan – as indeed it does in apocalyptic prophecy – a great darkness covers the Earth. I will say more on the WEF and the Prince of Great Reset, and other false prophets.

Although historically the Church has not encouraged its flock to think (the theory being that the bishops are graced with the ability to do our thinking for us) the journey back to God is largely an intellectual process. Adam, we might say, began the ‘scientific’ process by naming (on God’s command) the plants and animals (and their taxonomy or ‘kinds’, Genesis 1:12) that Earth ‘brought forth’ (Genesis 1:12).

[ Apart from a few mystics such as Saint Francis of Assisi, the Church has generally not emphasised that Earth itself, or Nature, commanded by God, has agency. As I see it, because Nature has agency, the intellectual conflict between theologians and evolutionary biologists is pointless. ]

It is perhaps inevitable that the West became so enthralled with its science and the power of science that it allowed its other forms of knowledge of wisdom to erode if not be entirely dismissed. Hence since the Covid panic of 2020, political leaders, and even religious leaders (as I wrote in this piece), have blindly ‘followed the science’, surrounding themselves by dubious and odious scientific advisors who see all problems as scientific problems.

[ What is Science?

The British philosopher and statesman Sir Francis Bacon (d. 1626) envisioned a world run by scientists: enrobed fellows guiding society to truth. He coined the motto scientia potentia est, or ‘knowledge is power’, scientia being one of the three Latin classifications of knowledge. 

Followers of Bacon were known derogatorily as ‘scientists’. The word has stuck, and so has the extreme idea that scientists have the truth of human being. In 2020 Bacon’s vision was realised here in Britain, as our political leaders convinced themselves we were living in a time of ‘scientific emergency’ and flanked themselves by, and were duped by, the scientists.

Science, or scientia, is extremely dangerous if detached from sapientia (wisdom) and prudentia (vision). I hardly need give historical and contemporary examples, not least the immense and ongoing damage to now-fearful societies that handed themselves over to the fearmongering scientists in 2020, despite the fact that the hubris of science – ‘gain-of-function research’ in Wuhan – seems now to be the most likely source of the new form of dangerous coronavirus. ]

It seems to me that the beginning of the end of Apocalypse coincided with our new (post 1919) knowledge (unveiling) of the universe. Man began to contemplate anew on the genesis of the cosmos through a combination of Einstein’s ‘thought experiments’ and a vast body of empirical knowledge. Following Einstein, scientific theories of the genesis of the cosmos – particularly the ‘Big Bang’ theory – became remarkably resonant with the first chapters of Genesis, when you consider that the creation of the world could not have been received by Moses or his contemporaries in the languages of astrophysics or biochemistry. Today, we know there is no thing in the universe but light (or electromagnetism). Because light, or electromagnetism, is bipolar it can bond very strongly to form matter, including the molecules that make up the fluids and solids of our human body. (We will ignore here the subatomic nuclear forces/particles – some theoretical – in our discussion of things in the universe; after all man is yet to see an atom, let alone anything subatomic.)

‘Let there be light’. It is indeed light that brings order and forms from chaos. And with man’s discovery of the equivalence of light/energy and matter (as in E = mc^2), the nuclear bomb became inevitable as soon as Einstein proposed his most famous formula (‘E’ being energy, and ‘c’ being the speed of light, which is a huge number even before it is multiplied by itself and ‘m’, mass).

My reader might object that, apart from the magnetism of light, gravity is also a fundamental of Creation. But gravity since Einstein is no longer a thing (if we ignore the hypothetical particle named ‘graviton’). Gravity, since Einstein, ceased to be a force, rather, we are told, it is a ‘differential geometry’. Gravity, we might say, sets the ultimate rules of physics rather than exist as anything physically tangible.

Gravity is in fact a complete mystery. We know a lot about what it does, but nothing about what it is. And yet ‘gravity’ is often used in secular societies and its influencers to explain away God. To explain away God with ‘gravity’ is merely to exchange one mystery for another, as we can see in these philosophically-puerile examples:

‘Because there is a law [sic] such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing… Spontaneous creation [sic] is the reason [sic] there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist… It is not necessary to invoke God.’

The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking, 2010

‘It does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity’.

The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, 2006

I am presently completing a book about Gravity, as I introduced in this short essay in late 2019, explaining how I intend to turn over the Einsteinian paradigm (the General Theory of Relativity) of 1919.

The ‘Big Bang’ theory of Creation – the theory that the universe has a beginning – was proposed by the Belgian scientist and Roman Catholic priest Georges Lemaître. As the theory began to prevail, the British astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle (an atheist who hated the theory) accused his fellow scientists of being ‘overshadowed by the Book of Genesis’ and that ‘it is deep within the psyche of most scientists to believe in the first page of Genesis’.

It is indeed deep within the psyche (psyche being the Greek for soul) to believe in the first page of Genesis. No words in history are so deeply embedded in the Western soul. No other myth, or allegory, is more meaningful. No other words have been, and are still being, as deeply analysed as the Hebrew letters, words, sentences and numbers of Genesis. No other words are as widely translated into the world’s languages, and no other words in history have been so successfully communicated to the world, along with the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer.

‘The Fall’ then was ‘not peace but a sword’. We are the only animal species with a conscience to discern good and evil, which makes us therefore uniquely capable of choosing and being good or evil. Our conscience – which Cardinal Newman described as ‘the aboriginal vicar of Christ’ – is our most intimate and ever-present relationship to God, providing that our conscience is well informed. Only a well-informed human conscience is capable of discerning good and evil. As noted, it would be absurd to describe a lion, a chimpanzee, a whale, a bird, a dog, a rat, or a shark (or any other fish) as good or evil: they just do as Earth animated them to do. Adolph Hitler’s dogs were neither good nor evil in being obedient and responsive to their owner, whereas Hitler’s wife either defied her conscience, or had a poorly-informed conscience.

A well-informed conscience begins with the fear and love of God. Despite the claims of philosophers such as Immanuel Kant, a well-informed conscience cannot come from reason alone. Indeed, Adolf Eichmann, one of the main architects of the Nazi ‘Final Solution’, invoked Kant’s ‘categorical imperative’ at his trial in 1961. Eichmann saw himself as an upright citizen conforming to the (Nazi) law, which the Christian state of Germany envisioned as the universal good: the Third Reich: the end of history: the long-desired Millennium.

It is partial, or un-whole (unholy), knowledge that can lead us to evil, even if the ways such knowledge is applied are well-intentioned, be it religiously or humanistic. Pray, ‘lead us not into evil’, for the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The process of history comes to completion as man comes into the fullness – whole or holy – knowledge of God.

[ The word ‘knowledge’ in Biblical Hebrew (such as Habakkuk 2:14) and New Testament Greek (such 1 Corinthians 13:2) implies loving knowledge over intellectual knowledge, as in the parent-child paradigm: we do not know our parents through merely knowing intellectual facts about them: the knowledge is more connaître than saviour. ]

Newton, whom I have been studying in depth for my upcoming book on Gravity, wrote much more material on Apocalypse than on science. He also accepted that Apocalypse ends shortly after what he called the mystery of the restitution of all things, beginning with the return of the Jews to Israel. Newton knew that the divinely-revealed geometries of the Jerusalem Temple were the geometries of the cosmos in microcosmos, and he also believed that the Temple held the pattern of how our apocalyptic history would unfold, until all things are ultimately brought to one head in Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Temple was and will be the House of Prayer for all nations.

Newton used his interpretation of Jewish and Christian apocalyptic Scripture (such as Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation), and his 50-year long studies of the Jerusalem Temple from various multilingual sources, to predict – with uncanny accuracy – that the call for Jews to return and rebuild Jerusalem would come in 1899, followed by the ‘end of the great tribulation of the Jews’ in 1944, and a new ‘dominion’ in 1948.

The bulk of Newton’s theological work was truly monotheistic (anti-Trinitarian) and too Judaic for the Establishment, i.e. the Church of England, the Royal Society, Parliament, and Trinity College Cambridge, where Newton was a resident fellow. Newton’s theological and alchemical work was locked away in a large chest and condemned as unfit for publication. The chest came into the possession of the Earl of Portsmouth, and forgotten about until 1872, when the 5th Earl of Portsmouth donated to it to Cambridge University. The university catalogued the work and locked it away again, until letting it go at a Sotheby’s auction off in 1936. It is now held in the National Library of Israel, which has linked up with Oxford University in a project that is repairing, transcribing, translating (from Newton’s Latin, Greek and Hebrew), and digitising the work. Most of Newton’s theological writings did not even start to become available to the public until the 1990s, since when it has been invaluable in the research for my book.

As I see it (as a Christian) the unfolding of History Anno Domini is the fulfilment of apocalyptic prophecies. I am, by the way, more or less ‘dual covenant’ in believing that God’s covenants with the Jews, and the ‘new’ covenant with us Gentiles, are equally vital in the global ‘Judeo-Christian’ scheme of things. Judaism is not, as often taught by the Church historically and to this day, surplus to requirements (or worse). The Jews were, are, and will be central to God’s covenantal plan and promises for the nations. As I wrote in this piece for Times of Israel, I see Judaic Israel as the centre, and Christianity – extending to ‘the ends of the Earth’ – as the circumference. In the UK I am involved in the fight against antisemitism/anti-Israelism/Palestinianism – which recently entered British mainstream politics through the former leader of the Labour Party: Jeremy Corbyn.

The United Kingdom is far from the only Western democracy now deeply infected by Palestinianism, which seems to have become the politically-correct form of antisemitism of our times. Germany, France (where Macron acknowledges that antisemitism is the worst since WWII) and the whole island of Ireland seem to be particularly badly affected, as exposed by essayist, comedian, dramatist and undercover multilingual Jewish journalist Tuvia Tenenbom. Tenenbom has various aliases including ‘Tobi the German’, and his journalistic pass has given him access to Arabic, German and English speaking national leaders and their citizens. As Melanie Phillips writes, echoing Tenenbom’s book I Sleep in Hitler’s Room, Palestinianism is the ‘Posthumus Nazi Front Against the Jews’.

Western politicians and churchmen can no longer spout Nazi-style antisemitism, or the Christian Blood Libel, but they can advocate for anti-Israel Jihadists in the Holy Land who do precisely these things. And with billions of Muslims and Christians in the world, and only about 13 million Jews (a mere 0.2% of the world population), Palestinianism is an easy way to court political popularity especially, indeed, for anti-Israelist Jews. Three of the four founders of Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘Momentum’ movement, including Corbyn’s campaign director Jon Lansman, are Jews. No Jews are more popular than self-hating or anti-Israelist Jews, because they are the shield (‘some-of-my-best-friends-are-Jews’) behind which antisemites such as Jeremy Corbyn think they can hide their antisemitism and justify their Palestinianism.

There is only one Jewish nation – a tiny nation the size of Wales – and well over a hundred formally Christian nations, and 57 member states of the Islamic bloc (the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) in the United Nations, all – Christian and Islamic – with a millennia-old history of various kinds of antisemitism.

Those of us who call out Nazism where it overtly exists in contemporary Islam attract opprobrium and accusations of ‘Islamophobia’. Even the British Jewish leadership condemns British Jews who point out the overt Nazism in Islamism, as I wrote here in defence of Melanie Phillips (for which she thanked me). And as I wrote in this op-ed for The Algemeiner, the leadership of the Church of England, in writing a guide on how the Anglican Church should repent for antisemitism, guides its readers to ‘Palestinian Liberation Theology [sic]’, which is an Anglican-led movement in the Holy Land advocating Marxist revolution to wipe Israel off the map. Alas, the world’s hatred for Israel is also to be expected, according to apocalyptic prophecy. Near-universal anti-Israelism is indeed an apocalyptic sign of the times.


The last days (1 John 2:18; 1 Pet 1:20), or ‘the end of the ages’ (1 Cor 10:11) began 2000 years ago. I interpret the Apocalypse (which translates literally as ‘unveiling’ or ‘revealing’ in the original Greek) beginning at the time of Jesus’ death on the Cross when, according the reports in the Gospels, the Jerusalem Temple veil was ‘rent in twain from top to bottom’. What had hitherto been concealed in the Holy Place and seen only by the High Priest of Israel was suddenly and symbolically unveiled to the world through the Messiah: the high priest for the world (the Gospel of John and the book of Hebrews in particular emphasise Jesus’ role as high priest). But the Christ, the Great Light to the world, brought with it a corresponding deep shadow, much of it dis-grace-fully projected onto the world by Christendom, whose chequered history has witnessed periods of great evil, and none so great as, within living memory, the Second World War and the Holocaust.  Over 90% of Nazi Germany identified as Christian, and both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches supported Hitler and his antisemitic and racial-purity ideologies, seen as necessary for Germany to lead the world into the Third Holy Roman Empire.

Adolf Hitler shakes hands with the Protestant Reich bishop Ludwig Muller (Reibi), leader of the German christians; next to him, the catholic abbot Albanus Schachtleitner. (Photo by: Photo 12/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

In Rome, Pope Pius XII worked with both Mussolini and Hitler, and the Church encouraged the Catholic faithful of Italy and Germany to fight for the Axis powers. The Vatican maintained ambassadorial relations with Japan and Vichy France throughout the War. It seems that the Pope could see the evils in Communism, which was overtly anti-Christian, but not the evils in Fascism and Nazism, which were overtly Christian (hence Clerical Fascism).

Nazism appealed to the innate antisemitism of the Church – and to the Arab world following Hitler’s approval of translating Mein Kampf into Arabic – and to the 3000-year-old ‘Jewish Problem’ to which Nazism claimed to have the ‘Final Solution’.

[ The Jewish Problem in brief:
The People Israel were called to a life in God of Israel, the Creator of everything, who was to pilot the destiny of the nations to their fulfilment and ultimate blessing through the Jews. The Jews were to ‘have no other god’. The Jewish problem for the Roman Empire was that the Roman government insisted its Caesars were gods, and that the gods above – of crops, wine, weather, sea, war, etc. – had to be placated to secure the good fortune of the empire. Every other culture in the Roman Empire agreed to Caesar worship and worship of the Greco-Roman gods. Caligula for instance commanded that every temple in the empire had his statue – to remind the people that he was Jupiter incarnate – and all peoples apart from the stiff-necked Jews of the Jerusalem Temple obliged Caligula.

The Romans suppressed and persecuted the Jews, including of course public execution by crucifixion to deter and impose fear, not least on the Zealots. (And Christian scripture informs us that Jesus chose Simon the Zealot as one of The Twelve.)

The first generation of Jewish followers of Jesus worshipped alongside their fellow Jews, including in the Jerusalem Temple. After the destruction of Jerusalem, and the Jewish-Roman wars, Jews were exiled. Emperor Hadrian attempted to wipe Israel and Judea off the map by renaming the land Palastina, and the Church now definitively cut itself off from the Jews. Christian anti-Jewish propaganda was now manufactured, not least in letters and the Gospel of John (written perhaps as late as the 2nd century) that were to make it into the New Testament of 27 ‘books’, canonised in late 4th century.

With a ‘New’ Testament, and a new theology in the Western (or Latin) half of the Church called ‘Original Sin’ authored by Saint Augustine of Hippo, and a new day for Sabbath… the people of the ‘old’ faith, which was of course the faith of Rabbi Jesus, became once again a problem. Augustine’s idea to solve the Jewish problem was to ‘allow the Jews to survive but not thrive’. A thriving Judaism would have made the New faith, the replacement theology, a hard sell. In the centuries that followed, the Church became big and imperial, and periodically persecuted, demonised, scapegoated, and exiled the Jews. Here in England for instance, King Edward I, advised by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and convinced that Jews killed Christian children to consume their blood (i.e. the notorious ‘blood libel’, first recorded in Norwich in 1144) decreed the Edict of Expulsion of Jews in 1290. Jews did not return to England until Oliver Cromwell overturned the royal edict some 350 years later.

Expulsion, then, was often a Christian nation’s preferred way of dealing with the Jewish Problem. Crusading massacres and pogroms were another way. In 1555, Pope Paul IV, decided Jews were to be put into ghettos, and he issued a Europe-wide papal bull. The ghettoization bull was titled Cum nimis absurdum taken from the first sentence of the bull: ‘Since it is absurd and utterly inconvenient that the Jews, who through their own fault were condemned by God to eternal slavery…’.   The Pope insisted that Jews were to wear a yellow badge of shame.

As Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Europe, he emancipated the Jews, permitting them to leave the ghettos. However, Europe and Russia remained largely antisemitic. And Russia permitted Jews to live only in the area defined as the Pale of Settlement, largely modern Ukraine. Worse, with the advent of global press agencies and newspapers, European forms of antisemitism were exported to (and re-imported from) the French and British colonies in Arab lands, beginning with the Damascus Blood Libel of 1840. Coinciding with this was a peculiar renewed interest in the Holy Land, and the derelict city of Jerusalem. (And Jerusalem, often included in the Grand Tour itinerary, became a tourist destination.) Indeed, the Crimean War (1853 – 1856) began with the dispute over ownership of the key to Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a dispute between Russian-backed Orthodox Christians and Western-backed (Roman Catholic) Christians. 

The real and final solution to the so-called Jewish problem is in fact for the world to come to overcome its ‘oldest hatred’ and accept Jews as God’s Chosen People, with a unique role in the uniquely Holy City. Even the anti-Jewish author of the Gospel of John put into the mouth of Rabbi Jesus the words: ‘salvation is of the Jews’. Encouragingly, there are today an increasing number of Christians and Muslims who accept this (and were involved in the ‘Abraham Accords’), but we are still a minority pushing against the mainstream. Rabbi Yishai Fleisher, a personal friend, is the international spokesman for the Jewish community of Hebron. Here he is interviewing (for 4 minutes) the actor John Voight (a Christian) on his visit to Hebron, where Voight more or less says what I have written about the great and inexorable divine solution to world peace. ]

The unfolding of History AD has often been terrible. Christianity has dominated that history, and it is an empirical fact that we Christians have proved to be at least as bloodthirsty and murderous as other religious peoples. Since WWII, or the second apocalyptic World War, Muslims have been by far the most murderous religionists, on an equal footing with the irreligious Communists. An extant Islamist and secular-Arab Socialist genocide of Christians and other non-Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa followed the disappearance of almost all Jews, including continuous Jewish communities going back 3000 years, such as since the exile to Babylon (Iraq). Similarly, the world’s oldest continuous Christian communities have now all but disappeared from the Middle East, and now Christian nations in the Muslim nations of Africa are suffering the same fate.

Although the 20th century is generally seen as a great leap forward in progressivism and Enlightenment thinking, a more useful analysis is to see it as unfolding Apocalypse and the beginnings of man’s globalist rebellion – religious and irreligious – against the City of God: the ultimate De civitate Dei contra paganos. Man now had the technology; what need did he have of God? Of course, none of our technology has surprised God. Indeed, God knew that in creating silicon and other metals and minerals He had created the World Wide Web; we merely discovered and fabricated it at the end of the Aion.

Things really started to deteriorate globally a century ago for Christianity and Islam, coinciding with the birth of Communism. La Belle Epoque saw in huge advances in technology, not least mains electricity and electrical communications, and the mechanisation of war, including chemical weapons. Furthermore, at the end of the 19th century, the global population began to grow exponentially, having remained relatively stable at under 1 billion for millennia. (Today, the global population has grown to nearly 8 billion, which is another reason our times are historically unique, although the signs are that the growth rate is slowing and populations will stabilise.)

New ‘scientific’ theories of racial purity combined with religious puritanism, led to murderous Christian Fascism, Arab-pan-nationalism, imperialist Shintoism, and Islamism. Equally, a new form of anti-religious puritanism emerged in Communism, whose leaders since Lenin self-described as ‘scientific atheists’.

This global rebellion against God of Israel naturally affected the People Israel. Antisemitism became the dominant intellectual ideology in the West, and increasingly throughout the Middle East. The world’s most potent conspiracy theory, the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, came out of Russia, and deeply influenced many nations, especially France, Germany (including Hitler), the USA, and the Middle East, where the text is still influential and quoted on authority by Islamic scholars and politicians. Protocols maintained that the progress of the whole world was being held back by an international network of Jews. The car magnate Henry Ford was so convinced by Protocols that he funded its publication and distribution. He bought his own newspaper company to print antisemitic articles including a series in 1920 titled The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem. Ford was cited in Mein Kampf as a ‘great man’.


Just over a century ago the whole world was involved in, or affected by, the first apocalyptic World War. In the Near East, the Ottoman Empire effected genocide on the Armenian people and Orthodox Christians. In 1917 the Russian populace, fomented by Marxists, exited the Western European theatre in favour of Communist (October) Revolution. The Revolution quickly turned into a Communist civil war in Russia, and triggered nationalist counter movements within and without the borders, including the declaration of a new nation called ‘Ukraine’. This resulted in an equally murderous Ukrainian Civil War (1917-1921).

The new nation of Ukraine became the most lethally antisemitic nation of the epoch, unleashing a genocide of perhaps a thousand mass pogroms of the Jews, being the greatest slaughter of Jews in the region since the Cossacks’ Uprising of 1648.  And today Ukraine is, I believe, the only nation in the world that still has a Nazi regiment (the Azov Regiment) within its national army, apparently of no concern to the West’s Useful Idiot President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is an anti-Israel Jew (as we know from his anti-Israel representation in the UN). Whereas Germany went through a program of British-led denazification after the War (and similarly General MacArthur led a programme in Japan to successfully cut off Japan’s emperor worship from militarism), Nazi Ukraine was never systematically denazified, just as Nazified parts of the Arab lands, where many senior Nazis fled at the end of the War, have never denazified. The main opposition party in Syria for instance is the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, an ideologically Nazi and largely Christian party founded in the 1930s, which, like the Azov Regiment, has kept the swastika as the party flag to this day. 

All antisemitic and anti-Israelist nations are inevitably cursed in the long run: inevitable because God of Israel promised that the People Israel – and particularly the Tribe of Judah – would pilot the destiny of the nations through Jerusalem, where Earth meets Heaven. I should mention that I have a certain contempt for Naftali Bennett, the incumbent Prime Minister, and for the incumbent government of Israel just as have I contempt for the incumbent leaders and governments of the UK and the USA, as I wrote in this short piece: The Writing on the Wall for Bennett, Biden, Boris… and Build Back Better. And in this piece I wrote about my disappointment with contemporary Israel: My Battle with Israeli Acceptniks of the Covid Cult.

The State of Israel itself risks becoming anti-Israel in the sense that it is becoming, on balance, secular, rather than being the banner of God of Israel, and the ‘ensign to all nations’ (Isaiah 5:26). (There is also an ultra-religious Jewish faction in Israel which, while benefiting from the defence of the State of Israel, refuses to fight, and opposes the existence of Israel on the grounds that it should not have been created through political processes.)

The reason Judaism has survived for 3000 years where all other competing, surrounding, and persecuting cultures have withered on the vine, from the Canannites, Edonites, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Franks, Mamluks, Ottomans, and British is not secularism, it is Judaism. Jewish secularism is, like Jewish conversion to Christianity, Islam, Communism or Yogism, a false solution to the so-called ‘Jewish Problem’. (Equally, the increasing secularisation and progressivism in England, which is actually indulged by the incumbent Woke leadership of the Church of England and the so-called Conservative Party, does not bode well for England.)

It was the events in Russia and ‘Ukraine’ in 1917 that instigated the curse of global Communism. But in the grand scheme of things, the most significant theatre of war in 1917 was the Battle of Jerusalem, where the British defeated the Ottoman powers, and shortly after, Jews began to return to Israel after almost 2000 years of exile. The creation of the State of Israel after WWII was not, as most popular narratives insist today, British colonialism. In fact it was the end of 2000 years of Christian, Arab and Ottoman colonisation of the Holy Land. The Israeli start-up army conquered its British occupiers. And nascent Israel conquered the invading colonial British armies of Egypt and Transjordan, with whom four Transjordanian British brigades fought with the Arab Legion under Lieutenant-General Sir John Bagot Glubb in the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Indeed, Joseph Stalin was the first world leader to recognise the State of Israel precisely because Israel was anti-British. Britain was too eager to secure Arab and Persian oil to be seen as supporters of Israel, at least until the Suez Crisis of 1956, by which time the Socialist Bloc had sided with the Arabs. The neo-Arabisation ideologues – the Arab League – had become infected with Communism, largely through the influence of philosopher Sayyid Qutb, who explicitly Islamised Marxist philosophy to create ‘Islamism’, whose revolutionary goal is a global Islamic State (mapped out in Qutb’s book Milestones, back in 1964).

Jerusalem is of course where Apocalypse ends, and ultimately all comes good. The last verses of the last book of the Jewish Bible (2 Chronicles) and the last book of the Christian Bible (Apocalypse or Revelation) end with the peace of the world in the peace of Jerusalem, and the House of Prayer for all nations. As we see from medieval Mappae Mundi, Jerusalem was geographically at the centre of the known continents of Europe, Africa and Asia, and the microcosm of the world: the axis mundi: Jacob’s ladder: God’s House.

The problem is of course that the appearance of the banner of God of Israel in the Holy Land was and is a humiliation to all alternative plans for the end of history, be it Communism, Nazism, Islamism, superssessionist forms of Christianity, secularism, progressivism and (as promoted by the World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, and the Communist Party of China) techno-progressivism. Techno-progressivism, including ‘human augmentation’ through gene editing has become the goal of many advanced-nation governments, including the UK Government, as I wrote in this article a year ago for The Conservative Woman. I have also written about techno-progressive ‘transhumanism’ on my blog, including here. Prince Charles, supposedly the future Defender of Faith, has become the world’s leading defender of techno-progressivism. He launched the specious ‘Great Reset’ for which Covid-19 is seen as the ‘window of opportunity’. But even before Great Reset, the WEF and the UK were mooting human gene editing as part of a so-called ‘fourth industrial revolution’ as I wrote here. You see, many nations, not least Communist China, sense that the aeon is at its end, ready for reset in the agreed vision of a few rich and powerful men and women – some of whom, such as the founders of Google and Facebook and other atheist entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley – believe technology is evolving so rapidly that they will soon be able to upload human beings into an eternal digital, paradisiacal, metaverse. After all, if the fundamental stuff of creation is electromagnetism, there are supposedly no limits to human creation with our electronic computers. These powerful influencers are of course ignorant and fearless of God of Israel’s plans for His Kingdom on Earth, centred on Jerusalem. They labour in vain.

Progressivism is, by definition, anti-conservative, and organisations that have a progressive culture, such as most commercial and media corporations of the West, not least the BBC, are inevitably anti-Israel, because the worship of God of Israel is understood as conservative if not regressive. The BBC’s reporting on Israel is so anti-Israel in bias that an organisation, Camera UK, founded in the 1980s, is necessary to catalogue reporting errors and extract corrections. The BBC has to date spent hundreds of thousands of pounds in a legal fight to prevent disclosure of its own report on its own anti-Israel bias.

Of course, when the nations of the world, including many bad nations, unite, it is absurd to expect a good ‘United Nations’. Politically uniting the nations simply results in the lowest common denominator of morality. And the lowest common denominator is ‘the oldest hatred’: antisemitism.  As I have written often, such as here, the only global goal that unites the nations is anti-Israelism.

Recently Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, tweeted a list of the UN Human Rights Council nation-specific condemnations of human rights between 2006 and 2016:

Israel – 68 UN human rights condemnations
Iraq – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Cuba – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Qatar – 0 UN human rights condemnations
China – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Russia – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Turkey – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Somalia – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Pakistan – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Venezuela – 0 UN human rights condemnations
Zimbabwe – 0 UN human rights condemnations … etc, etc

But this should not surprise us: the world’s rebelling against God of Israel (secularism), or misappropriating God of Israel (bad religion), is the history of mankind almost by definition.

Anti-Israelism is the thing that unites the 57-state Islamic bloc, the Communist nations, secularist nations (such as France), and Christian nations (such as Germany). In fact, even much of the Jewish Diaspora and its leadership who would rather culturally assimilate with their nation (even if the nation is culturally antisemitic) than be associated with Israel and God of Israel.

Every year, the United Nations votes to issue more country-specific condemnations against Israel than against every other nation of the world combined! Only the USA has resisted this obsession with condemning the tiny and indispensable nation of Israel, but even the USA, under the Biden administration, has become anti-Israel.  Alas, all this too is prophetic. Read Psalm 2 for instance.


The end of the Apocalypse is the end of blood and gore and pestilence and humanism (such as Communism), and, of course, the end of antisemitism. It is the world’s coming into knowledge of God – no longer just belief in God, but knowledge that God is King. This coming into knowledge of God of Israel is emphasised throughout the Jewish Bible, and by Saint Paul, who in saying we will know God as we are known by God used the Greek gnosis, meaning loving knowledge over intellectual knowledge, more connaisance than savoir. Similarly, in the Jewish Bible love and knowledge are associated, hence in English versions of Genesis we read that ‘Adam knew Eve, his wife; and she conceived’. We often use the Parent-child paradigm when speaking of our relationship to God of course, and we don’t know our parent or our children by knowing intellectual facts about them, such as the number of hairs on their head. (I have studied several languages, and English is the only language I am familiar with that has just the one word for ‘knowledge’.)

I can offer many reasons, many ‘signs of the times’ to suggest that the apocalyptic aeon is nearing its end. Of course, in every generation, including our own, many people with many different beliefs within the Abraham faiths have come to interpret the ‘end of days’. Indeed, in our times, Islamic State, and the Islamist movement in general, claims to be bringing Paradise to Earth, for which its violence is the prerequisite, including cleansing the Arab nations of Christians and other non-Muslims and Muslims (such as the Sufis) opposed to Islamism. This genocide of Christians goes unreported in the Western mainstream media, as reported in this article for the Gatestone Institute.

The best historian (I know of) of the apocalyptic beliefs, apocalyptic ideologies, apocalyptic violent revolutions, and apocalyptic disappointments (which have often resulted in violent revolutions) is Dr Richard Landes. Richard is an observant Jew, whom I have met in Jerusalem and at conferences in the UK. As an academic, Richard specialised in the ‘Millennialist’ beliefs (and Christian disappointments) of AD 1000, and later in his career has tracked apocalyptic movements all the way to AD 2000 (Heaven on Earth: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience (OUP), including the Iranian Islamic revolution, various Christian cults, the Islamists so-called Second Intifada (2000), the Arab Spring, and Islamic State. A few years ago Richard and I wrote this powerful joint essay that I titled, ‘Genocidal Anti-Israelism – The Ticking Time Bomb’.

The main reason I think we are nearing the end of Apocalypse is the sudden and unprecedented joined-up-ness of global factions that have developed a plan for the world that opposes God of Israel’s plan for the world. I recommend this superb presentation by the chairman of Pandemics – Data and Analytics (PANDA) Nick Hudson (with whom I have exchanged messages, and who has read some of my work) on the joined-up globalist tyranny that suddenly manifested itself with Covid-19. Nick’s presentation is titled ‘Covid and the Clash of Ideologies’. He doesn’t explicitly go into theology, but he consistently challenges the ‘unconstrained vision’ of the world’s most powerful humanists and scientists (including Communists).

We are today witnessing the perfect – and I believe ultimate – humanist betrayal of God. It will fail. But in the meantime the more we resist God, and plan our way out of God’s plans, the worse things will get. And as I wrote in my previous essay, we must prevent China, and its US-funded ‘gain-of-function’ research from creating laboratory manufactured vials of wrath. There is hope. Communism is in decline in China, and Christianity, despite much persecution, is on the rise in China, which now has more practising Christians than the whole of Europe.


Posted in Antisemitism, Christianity, France, Germany, Gravity, Great Britain, Israel, Judaism, Musicology, Political philosophy, Science, Theology, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

I ACCUSE – Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the UK

22 December 2021

Prime Minister Boris Johnson,
Sir Kier Starmer (Leader of the Official Opposition)
The Right Honourable Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury)
Professor Richard Dawkins FRS, and the Royal Society
The National Health Service (NHS)
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
The General Medical Council (GMC)
The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)

cc. Sir Graham Brady MP[1]

Dear All,

This letter/essay concerns the utopian science and medicine that is being politically imposed on the nation, not least through coercion of adults and children into accepting experimental synthetic-mRNA injectables. I explain in the essay that no-one in the world can satisfactorily understand these medicines. The sciences involved, in which I became immersed in 2012, are immature (not least the ‘transcriptome’ of mRNA to protein, whose data mapping is an order of magnitude greater than that of the genome, and which is, unlike the genome, dynamic, idiosyncratic and subject to external phenomena).

The UK Government enthuses—such as in its policy paper for regulation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (2019) and its ‘Think Piece’ on Human Augmentation (May 2021)—that mRNA therapy heralds further novel biotechnologies. We are told that we are in an international race to a ‘new paradigm’ that needs [sic] further ‘disruptive’ science, including human gene editing.

I challenge, herein, the unethical strategy of reward-and-punishment by institutions of the British Establishment, including the Church of England, to win compliance to Government diktats that deny the sovereignty of human being and of the human body, and the supremacy of the individual’s informed conscience[2].

Those of us who do not accept the drug for the brave new world—variously classed as ‘the unvaccinated’, ‘refuseniks’, ‘antivaxxers’, ‘hesitants’, ‘conspiracy theorists’ and ‘Covidiots’, regardless of our reasoning in philosophy, science, experience, and faith—are stigmatised, punished, and threatened. We are threatened officially, and threatened from Government’s rumour control through the media, such as Cabinet minister Oliver Dowden MP’s threatening mandatory vaccination for all if the British people do not now ‘take the booster’ (and the ‘edited’ next ‘booster’, and the next, and the next…).

The punishments and threats to date have variously included prohibition of travel, loss of employment, threat of loss of employment (including for 126,000 NHS staff), loss of ability to trade, loss of ability to practice medicine, exclusion from communal worship, ruined businesses, ruined social life, and, as noted, the rumour of impending mandatory mRNA injectables for all adults and minors, the rumour itself being a kind of psychological punishment and cause of unhealthy anxiety.

Mark Pickles
Manchester, England

[1] Sir Graham Brady is, luckily, my own MP, and one of the few MPs to defend freedom, and to warn against the tyranny of vaccine ‘domestic passports’ (1:27:30 into this video by BigBrotherWatch). He has frequently warned the PM that he looks foolish and incredible for his habitual tergiversations and concocting nonsense rules on sex and golf and whatnot.

[2] The truest ‘rule book’ is informed conscience: man’s intimate access to the voice of God. Even the RC Catechism acknowledges this, hence priests are forbidden from compelling a person to act against his or her conscience. Cardinal Newman referred to conscience as ‘the aboriginal vicar of Christ’, or Vicarius Christi. My claiming religious [Christian, Church of England] reasons for exemption to knowingly accepting into my body any synthetic-mRNA injectable or gene-editing injectable cannot be overridden by the Church. I can, in any case, effortlessly prove that I am better informed in theology, philosophy, and science (and the philosophy of science) than the leaders of the Church of England. I Accuse.

Full Letter and Essay:

Click here for a PDF of the full letter and accompanying essay (18,000 words in total) explaining how bad politics, bad philosophy, bad theology and bad science have – through big money and dishonesty – come to manifest themselves as a single global and totalitarian beast. [I made some minor updates to the PDF, and re-dated it 1 January 2022]

Posted in Antisemitism, Christianity, France, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Judaism, Political philosophy, Science, Theology, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

Genocidal Anti-Israelism – The Ticking Time Bomb

How and why the West went to sleep when Islamism took hold 20 years ago

A joint essay by Mark Pickles and Dr. Richard Landes

About the essay:
Genocidal anti-Israelism is a 21st-century apocalyptic movement that began in the year 2000 with the global call to obliterate Israel: the so-called Second Intifada. It is still raging 20 years later.

It is mainly an Islamist movement, of course, but implicates also the Christian and post-Christian West, and the Communist and post-Communist nations. In fact in the United Nations forums (UNGA and UNHRC) since the turn of the Millenium, Israel has received more country-specific condemnations than all the other nations of the world combined.

The “oldest hatred” traditionally demonised Jews in the midst of the nation (particularly the Christian nations). Today it demonises the Jewish nation in the midst of all nations. This anti-Israelism is amplified by the newest medium: the World Wide Web, which itself came of age at the turn of the Millennium, which is when the first social media sites appeared.

My joint essay (10,000 words) with the brilliant Richard Landes explains things as they are, and why we, in the West, must wake up to the overwhelming antisemitic threats not just to Jews and Israel but to all of us.

Richard’s background and mine could hardly be more different, which, I think, helps make the piece powerful if not unique. I cannot think of a better co-writer or scholar with whom to write this essay. At the end of the 20th century, Richard saw what was coming. He met with Rabbi Lord Sacks in 1999, in the hope of persuading the Chief Rabbi that the relative philosemitism that Jews had been enjoying for a generation was about to come to an abrupt end.  Rabbi Lord Sacks was later to write in the Jewish Chronicle (in 2008):

“Towards the end of 1999, I received a strange request. A professor of medieval history at Boston University, Richard Landes, asked to see me. He had, he said, something urgent and important to communicate…

I concluded that Landes had got it wrong.  Then came September 29, 2000, the collapse of the Middle East peace process and the birth of a new intifada. Within weeks it became clear that Israel was being blamed. Not the seven years of Oslo, nor the courage of Yitzhak Rabin, nor the unprecedentedly generous offer of Ehud Barak to the Palestinians at Taba counted in its favour. Israel’s efforts to make peace were as if they had never been.

“Then, at the end of August 2001, came the notorious United Nations Conference against Racism at Durban, which turned out to be the launchpad for a new and vicious assault on Israel. Barely a week later came 9/11, the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Within days, conspiracy theories appeared, blaming Israel… Combined, these phenomena bespoke a new and ominous mood. That was when I began to suspect that Landes had got it right.”

How to heal ourselves – and then the world:
We need more co-operation between those who want to save the world, and those who want to save Jewish life

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 2008

Click here for a PDF of the essay:

Posted in Antisemitism, Christianity, France, Great Britain, Israel, Judaism, Political philosophy, Uncategorized | 8 Comments

My latest painting

I’ve recently completed a large painting that I have been working on (and off) for the past 6 months.

The painting is of ‘Shambles Square’ in Manchester, UK. Click here to see a larger image. Oil on canvas, 150cm x 100cm unframed.

I have yet to decide on a title for the painting. It will be the centrepiece of an exhibition that I hope to put on in 2024, of Manchester cityscapes and urban portraits.

As with all my recent paintings, I try to achieve the creation of images that cannot be created with a camera, even with software editing. This image could not have been achieved with photography for many reasons. A camera cannot look up, down, left and right, at least not without ugly distortions of perspective. The camera, like the human eye, has a limited field of vision, and a single exposure time (that can be set to capture the details in sunlit clouds, or the inside of a building, but not both at once). And so the main technical difficulty was to combine many images, – my own reference photographs and sketches – into a single image that, I hope, is convincingly realistic.

Here is some detail from the bottom left:

Detail from bottom right:

Some architectural detail from the right:

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The West must wake up to Islamism

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

I have often been surprised by the number of campaigners against antisemitism, and advocates for Israel (including in Israel) who do not know what Islamism is. This is very concerning because Islamism – the philosophy created by the Muslim Brotherhood a century ago – is not restricted to antisemitic jihad of the sword, machine gun, rockets, bombs and suicide bombs. Islamism manifests itself everywhere in the world as antisemitic jihad of the pen and of the keyboard.

Islamists use the twin strategy of hard violence and soft diplomacy.

Islamists preach genocidal antisemitism, and more recently genocidal anti-Christianity (gatestoneinstitute.org), in the languages of Arabic, Turkish, Malay, Urdu… .

In the English and French languages, Islamism discombobulates the West as Islamist organisations such as the Muslim Association of Britain and Collectif contre l’islamophobie en France appeal to Western democratic values, depicting themselves as victims of ‘Islamophobia’.

The Hard-Cop/Soft-Cop of Islamism
(Photo right: Twitter, verified by the Met Police, justified on grounds of ‘community engagement’)

The hard-cop/soft-cop of Islamism. Above left is Hamza Mansour, a former Jordanian MP representing the Muslim Brotherhood, speaking on TV (memri.org) on 17 July 2017. Above right is a member of the Metropolitan Police posing with a child during the huge Palestine protests in London yesterday: Remembrance Sunday, 12 November 2023.

Islamism pervades media and social media, and some its creators and distributors are extremely well funded and incentivised, including in Western universities, as Dr Charles Small writes here for Newsweek.

Islamism penetrates the mind of Muslims and non-Muslims. Islamism caused the British Labour Party to overwhelmingly fly the Palestinian flag at its party conferences when Jeremy Corbyn was leader. Islamism is the reason that, at the time of this writing, hundreds of thousands of British people are descending on London waving their Palestinian flags and chanting hate slogans against Jews and Israelis.

Islamism is the formalised underlying philosophy of contemporary Islam, one of whose consequences is murderous jihad. Most Islamists are not violent, but all Islamists are a threat to Israel and to Western civilisation, and they make no secret of it.

Islamism is a religio-political philosophy that, like Communism, has ripped through many nations, and not just Islamic nations. It shapes the beliefs of imams and Muslim communities everywhere in the world, including here in the UK.

There are nearly 4 million Muslims in Britain (including nearly 1.5 million in Greater London), and a high percentage of these are Islamists. I cannot give a figure on percentage, but suffice to say that the main representative bodies of Muslims in the UK – who themselves claim to represent the majority of British Muslims – are Islamist. This includes the Muslim Association of Britain, founded in 1997 by Muhammad Sawalha (Wikipedia), who is a former leader of Hamas.

The Muslim Council of Britain (founded in 1997) is also Islamist (The Spectator), although it did for a time dupe (msn.com) the British Government.

Because the Muslim Association of Britain and the Muslim Council of Britain claim to represent the majority of British Muslims, they are often the go-to sources for British media and politicians. The non-Islamist Muslim voices are drowned out (The Spectator).

Islamists are very good at duping Western governments.

Jihad of the Dupe

Consider Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi (Wikipedia), who was a regular visitor and advisor to the White House under both the Clinton and Bush administrations. In 2001 President Bush invited Amoudi to speak at the national prayer and memorial service for 9/11; and when Bush gave his stunning speech at the Islamic Center in Washington DC, he had Muslim Brotherhood operators standing by his side, and who were probably the authors of his speech (theaugeanstables.com).

Two years after leading prayers at the memorial service, Amoudi was arrested at Heathrow Airport with $340,000 dollars concealed in his suitcase, destined for terrorist groups. Amoudi was working with Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and involved in a plot to assassinate the Saudi Crown Prince. He is now serving a 23-year prison sentence (cupcolubmia.edu).

There are various Islamist NGOs/charities, such as Islamic Relief UK an antisemitic charity (Times of Israel) banned in Israel and the UAE due to these nations’ respective claims that Islamic Relief UK is linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The popularity of the Muslim Brotherhood in many Islamic nations is evidence enough that Islamism prevails today in Islam. The people of the Gaza Strip voted in Hamas, which defines itself as a chapter of ‘the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine’.

The Muslim Brotherhood, enabled by the revolutionary ‘Arab Spring’, dominated the Middle East as a political force, including in Egypt, the birthplace of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1929. The people of Egypt voted for the Muslim Brotherhood in referenda a decade ago.

Egypt’s Brotherhood was ousted (Wikipedia) in the military coup of 2013. The United Arab Emirates also ended their relationship with the Emirati Muslim Brotherhood, whereas the emirate of Qatar is still thoroughly Islamist, and still supports the Muslim Brotherhood (washingtoninstitute.org).

As noted, the huge ‘Palestinian’ rallies that we have been witnessing in London in recent weekends are not the product of jihadism, they are the product of Islamism. The Muslim organisers (dailymail.co.uk) of the rallies are Islamists – such as Dr Anas Altikriti,  Zaher Birawi, and, as mentioned earlier, the former leader of Hamas, Muhammad Sawalha – who are variously associated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, and fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain including the Muslim Association of Britain.

The mass rallies across the globe since 7 October 2023 are evidently not motivated by concerns for Palestinian welfare, because there has been no demonstrable concern by the public for Syria’s torturing, raping and murdering many thousands of Palestinians in Syria (gatestoneinstitute.org).

The globalised mass rallies are evidently not Muslim concern for Muslims, because there have been no such rallies for the phenomenally high death tolls and displacement of millions of Muslims in nations such Syria and Yemen.

Some 85,000 children have died from starvation between 2015 and 2018 in Yemen, according to the UN’s own figures. No mass rallies in London. No campaigns instigated by the UK’s Islamist organisations.

And so these rallies are not spontaneous concern for children, there are obviously other motivations at play.


‘Islamism’ was coined by the first Islamists as a philosophical system developed by the hugely influential formative thinkers of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Islamic State (ISIL) and Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. ISIL and Hamas are not merely spontaneous jihadism. ISIL and Hamas are the kinetic application of the philosophy of the Islamist philosopher Sayid Qutb who mapped out Islamic State in his hugely influential work Milestones (1964).

Qutb wrote Milestones several years after he had Islamised Hitler’s Mein Kampf [‘my struggle’] in a book he titled Our Struggle against the Jews. Qutb was a founding father of the Muslim-Brotherhood and the originator of Islamism. Qutb is, to contemporary Islam, what Marx is to contemporary Socialism/Communism. Indeed, Islamism is sometimes called ‘Qutbism’ (Wikipedia) out of admiration for Qutb, just as some Communists self-identify as Marxists.

Islamism, like all philosophy, is complex. Sayid Qutb was as prolific a writer as Karl Marx, but I believe that I can explain Islamism as three principal concepts:

  1. Honour-shame (and loss of ‘dhimmitude’ over Jews in ‘Arab’ lands)
  2. Apocalypticism.
  3. Genocidal antisemitism/anti-Israelism.

The West and the Islamic Middle East (with South Asia) started to diverge dramatically in their underlying philosophies during and after the two world wars. Today the West has become politically liberal and largely irreligious, although still largely Christian in character in nations such as the UK.

In the West today, our underlying philosophy is Post-Modernism and its offshoots, all atheistic, which bring their own problems: there has never anywhere been a successful atheistic civilisation, and there never will be. (The decadence of Western philosophy is beyond the scope of this essay, but my view is that it began with scientific atheism following Albert Einstein’s atheistic understanding of the nature of things, as I wrote in this philosophical-theological piece (markpickles.wordpress) (1000 words) on my blog in 2019.)

In 2019 I was invited to a (ISGAP) conference on antisemitism at Oxford University. One of the speakers was Haris Rafiq, (a Sufi Muslim and a former adviser to the UK Government on terrorism and deradicalisation). Rafiq’s talk  (youtube.com) explains that Islamism borrowed from Nazism and Communism, including the call for genocidal antisemitism and violent revolution. Rafiq also explains that although most Islamists today are not violent, all Islamists by definition – including those who dupe governments and media they are ‘moderate’ – have extreme views, including genocidal antisemitism and anti-Israelism.

In this article for The Washington Institute, the Muslim political analyst and researcher Soner Cagaptay suggests that Islamists are not in fact Muslims, quote: ‘Islamism is not a form of the Muslim faith or an expression of Muslim piety; it is, rather, a political ideology that strives to derive legitimacy from Islam’.

Islamists disagree. Islamists maintain that they are the true Muslims, and that anti-Islamist Muslims have failed to heed the call. Soner Cagaptay, in this short talk on YouTube makes what I think is a good analogy between the working class and Communists, i.e. as Communism ripped through the world, not all working-class people became Communists. However, what is certain is that Communism prevailed in many nations, just as today Islamism prevails in many nations.  

Our political class in the UK, Europe, USA, Australasia and even on the liberal and left wing in Israel (as I wrote here for The Conservative Woman) has been programmed since university education to not accept that there is a clash of civilisations between the West and Islam, despite the prevalence of Islamism. Suggesting that the West and Islamism are incompatible does not square with the ideology and conventional wisdom of multiculturalism and secularism.

Those of in the UK who point out that the culture and values of Islamism are incompatible with the long-held culture, values, laws and traditions of the UK are accusing of ‘othering’, i.e. diminishing the humanity of the other.

The accusation of ‘othering’ goes back to the hugely influential American-Palestinian academic Edward Saïd (1935–2003), who heaped scorn (theaugeanstables.com) on ‘honour-shame’ criticism in Orientalism (1978).

Honour killings are frequent (Wikipedia) in some of the Islamic nations. And honour-based abuse is an increasing problem in Western nations with large Muslim populations, such as the UK (gov.uk).

Saïd pointed out that, yes, honour killings are a problem for Islamic culture, just as domestic violence is a serious problem in the West. But no-one of good standing in the West accepts that domestic violence is a necessary and desirable aspect of Western culture, whereas many men of good standing in Islamic nations preach that honour-shame is necessary and desirable in Islamic culture.

Honour-shame motivates fathers who want to kill their daughters in order to maintain family honour. And honour-shame motivates the leaders of Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon… who want to eradicate the tiny nation of Israel because it is formerly land that was conquered by Muslims. Shame, in Islamic culture, is passed down the generations until, through blood, honoured is restored.

Today, some Islamic nations, rich and poor, are obsessed with the catastrophic (‘Nakba’) loss of honour in losing wars to the Jews. In traditional Islamic law, Jews are second-class citizens (‘Dhimmis’), forbidden to carry arms, and in Islamism, Jews are vermin, ‘descended from pigs and apes (memri.org)’, for whom even Nature has contempt (sunnah.com). The fact that some Islamic nations have normalised relations with Israel (and with the West in fact), and others were planning to normalise with Israel, is intolerable to the Islamist regime of Iran (and all its political proxies bordering Israel).

In our times, Islamic honour-shame has met up with Islamic apocalypticism (the belief in an end-time global ‘Islamic State’), to be ultimately played out in Jerusalem. This is why the Islamic Republic of Iran (which has been overtly apocalyptic since the 1979 revolution) calls its elite special operations force the ‘Quds Force’, meaning ‘Jerusalem Force’. Similarly, the Houthi movement (Wikipedia) in Yemen, which has now declared war on Israel, is an apocalyptic movement, whose motto is, ‘God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, Cursed be the Jews, Victory to Islam’.

The prevalence in contemporary Islam of honour-shame, apocalypticism, and genocidal antisemitism defies all Western commentators, reporters, and politicians who think that peace talks, diplomacy and financial aid can solve all problems. In any case, no region of the world has had as much money poured into it as the Gaza Strip. Hamas has some very rich donors, including Qatar, one of the richest nations in the world. Furthermore, Qatar pours money into Western universities – much of it undeclared with strings attached (isgap.org)– to promote anti-Israelism on campus.

For an understanding of the apocalyptic ideologies at play, there is perhaps no better scholar than my friend Dr Richard Landes, a historian who specialises in apocalyptic movements, Christian and Islamic, down the ages. Here (jcpa.org) Richard talks about the genocidal apocalypticism that came to the fore in 2000, and has been ripping through the Islamic world ever since.

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Stop this puerile talk of Revolution

It seems that Laurence Fox approves of Neil Oliver’s recent call for Revolution. This Tweet is from Sunday 10th September.

Historically, revolutions have caused many decades of widespread suffering and loss, including much loss of life. Although today France annually celebrates its Revolution, the Reign of Terror is but one extremely bloody example of the consequences of Revolution. And France, now on its Fifth Republic, has witnessed subsequent revolutions, and more large-scale riots than Britain has ever had (including the ‘Nahel Merzouk riots’ this June).

When Neil Oliver’s original tweet – ‘Fancy a Revolution…’  quickly hit 1 million views, he tweeted, ‘interesting number’, and followed up by saying, he ‘meant’ it.

A few days later, Oliver posted this on YouTube, which begins with his giggling about his Revolution, saying he doesn’t ‘want to see looting and chaos’ and ends: ‘I said I was in the mood for Revolution, and I meant it. It’s the only way’.

He is of course deluded in thinking that a Revolution can be controlled and unchaotic. Perhaps he has also deluded himself into thinking that he will be the leader of ‘the’ Revolution?

He is deluded also in thinking there is a unitary ‘us’ the people (I have almost nothing in common with Oliver) against a unitary ‘global blob’. There isn’t a global blob. There are internationalist bodies that I oppose as much as Oliver does, but there are also Communists, Islamists (already in Revolution), Iran (in Revolution), the Pride movement, the Woke movement, neo-Fascists… and there are still Marxists and neo-Marxists in the West who dream of Revolution.

It is easy in any nation to stoke popular, and violence-loving, animus for the powers that be. Some of the nameless #Revolution bloggers responding to Oliver’s message seem to be like the tricoteuses ready to march those in the Establishment they perceive as criminals to the guillotine, or the rope, often with the hashtag #Nuremberg 2.

The last thing we need today is ‘Jacobin’ agitators, stoking revolution and revenge.

In any case, revolution in Britain in our time would quickly fail, and would augment the very powers that Oliver and Fox detest, and that I detest. It would justify yet more surveillance and ‘lockdowns’, more fearmongering psyops, and eventually the introduction of martial law. Oliver and Fox would be the first to lose their ability to communicate widely, and therefore lose the influence they now hold. For a start, Google would throw Oliver off YouTube.

Our times are utterly unique, and truly ‘the best of times, the worst of times’. There has, I believe, never been a more fascinating and hopeful time in which to live. We have unprecedented means of communication and integration, not least the World Wide Web. This is good, and life-enhancing for many of us, but has inevitably put immense power into the hands of relatively few people in the world, including the owners of media and social-media platforms, multinational corporations, multinational banks and central banks, and trans-national organisations such as the WHO and the WEF.

Inevitable also, since the advent of the Internet, was the shift of power from the world’s monarchs, presidents, prime ministers and parliaments to international bodies and to the Chinese Communist Party, which is the global leader in the use of technologies for political control, including social crediting.  Sadly, some of our Western leaders seem to be enamoured by China’s ‘progress’, and would like to follow some of the CCP’s examples, perhaps fearing that we will get left behind in a global race to technological superiority. We must challenge all this, but Revolution is not the way, and it’s certainly not the Christian way.

Revolution cannot make the world good. Of course, we Conservatives must use our wit to challenge corruption, including the betrayal of the political party that has inherited the name ‘Conservative’.

I have said the shift of power from national to international bodies was inevitable. But as Brexit proved, and as the most recent general election in Israel has proved (as I wrote here in The Conservative Woman), it is possible to democratically reverse the trend. Similarly, non-violent protests in Canada (the truckers) and Holland (the farmers) have made known to leaders of Western governments that they lack democratic consent for their radical and centralising technocracy. I am sure that events in Canada and Holland have had, and are having, good political effects.

Of course, the Chinese Communist Party does not need democratic consent. And the CCP has an overwhelming influence on the World Economic Forum, which is beginning to have an overwhelming influence on Western governments, including the UK Government, which has, ‘established a partnership with the World Economic Forum to shape the global governance of technological innovation’.

Here on YouTube, we see Klaus Schwab at Davos 2022 heaping praise on President Xi Jinping, before Xi Jinping delivers his speech to the WEF.

To this day, President Xi Jinping overtly keeps metaphysical faith in dialectical materialism, to which, he insists, China and ultimately the rest of the world must submit. As Jinping said in his 2022 speech to Davos there is an ‘inevitable… logic of history’, and China is leading the necessary ‘economic globalisation’ like a mighty river heading for the sea. Any attempts to resist, says Jinping, are mere ‘countercurrents’ or ‘dangerous shoals’.

The reality is, behind all the ‘peace-making’ weasel words of of Xi Jinping and Klaus Schwab, of a better world led by China, the CPC is a determined and dangerous enemy of Christian faith.

Christianity is the greatest ‘countercurrent’ in China today, and a threat to China’s creed in dialectical materialism and scientific atheism.

China now has more practicing Christians on the Sabbath than the whole of Europe, despite severe persecution. These brave Chinese Christians are, I am sure, making a good impact, without revolution. Can we find ways to support them?

In the UK we Christians must challenge King Charles. Somehow, we must convince the king, and the Tories, that they have betrayed the British constitutional monarchy in the name of the WEF’s Revolution, the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The WEF’s ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ aims to ‘disrupt’ all things and ‘reset’ them into a vision best described as neo-Communism. In 2020 the Prince of Wales launched the WEF’s specious ‘Great Reset’ (see here).

It is time to remind our Christian institutions that they are Christian institutions, and shame our incumbent monarch into doing what he promised in his coronation oaths: to serve God, and the Gospel, in all things.

We don’t need Oliver and Fox’s Revolution, but I suggest that we do need to think of more effective ways to resist the Fourth Industrial Revolution, led by the WEF in accordance with the Chinese Communist Party.

Oliver and Fox are spurious; Christianity is not (despite all its internal conflicts and despite inevitable corruptions in the world’s largest faith), and will prevail until History is fulfilled in God Almighty.

Posted in Christianity, Great Britain, Political philosophy, Theology, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Israel versus Secular Democracy

There is a battle royale unfolding in Israel in 2023. I see the battle lines drawn thus:

  1. Israelis who accept that Jews have a special responsibility to serve God of Israel on their land. These people accept that Jews should, and must, live in Judea and Samaria.
  2. Israelis who want Israel to be fully subscribed to secular democracy, like that of France and Sweden. These people refer to Judea and Samaria as ‘West Bank’, and believe that Palestinian Arabs should be allowed to make Judea Judenrein. They believe that complete Jewish disengagement from these areas would sate Arab irredentists (and their Iranian backers) in Judea and Samaria, and in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, and thereby bring peace to Israel. This is despite the lessons of the Gaza Strip, and despite the fact that the charters and covenants of the main Palestinian regimes (Hamas, Fatah/PA, and Islamic Jihad) call for the genocide of Israel. These Israelis, critical of what they call ‘the Occupation’, seem to not want to see that Israel would be militarily indefensible if she pulled back to the Green Line, as the obsessively anti-Israelist United Nations insists she does.

For the sake of simplicity, and with my apologies for generalising, I will refer to Group 1 above as the Jerusalemites, whose worldview is Biblical, and Group 2 as the Telavivians, whose worldview is secular democracy (like France and Sweden). This is, of course, a crude generalisation, and I know from my several visits to Jaffa – the oldest part of Tel Aviv – that there is much overt and wonderful religious observance of all three Abrahamic faiths in that district.

I mention France and Sweden because France and Sweden are the two most atheistic and secularised nations of Europe, whose underlying philosophy is secular democracy. And, as it happens, France and Sweden are today (with Germany) the most antisemitic nations of Europe. I base this statement on President Macron’s own claim that France – which has more Jews than any other European nation – is presently suffering its worst resurgence of antisemitism since the Second World War and the fact that Malmö and Berlin have recently been trading places as Europe’s capital of antisemitism. As for Germany’s antisemitism, I wrote this blog piece for The Times of Israel. (I have written several pieces for Blogs Times of Israel, only one of which the subeditors rejected, despite the fact that the Times of Israel’s worldview is Telavivian.)

The paradox of the battle royale is that the Telavivians actually lost the democratic vote at the last general election to the Jerusalemites, and they are now on the streets protesting that the Jerusalemites want Israel to be like Israel, and not like France or Sweden. And there is another paradox: the Jerusalemites, democratically elected, know that while democratic consent of the people is important and needed, the goal of Israel is not democracy. The goal of Israel is God of Israel. And God of Israel is the goal that has no goal but Himself.

Israel is the utterly unique nation: the nation through which all nations (including my own nation of England) will be blessed. This is why, though I am neither a Jew nor an Israeli, I fight with the Jerusalemites.

Selfie with Yishai, 27 March 2023

On March 27, I met my friend Rabbi Yishai Fleisher for breakfast in Efrat, Judea, a few days before the Efrat community suffered the murderous jihadist attack on the family of Rabbi Leo Dee, on their way to celebrate Pesach in Tiberius. March 27 was a chaotic day of national strike in Israel, as various anti-religious factions came out to ‘save’ Israel for democracy, secularism, Socialism, and Woke, in other words, to keep Israel like the rest of the decadent West of our times. As I returned to Jerusalem from Efrat, the Telavivians had descended on the city, carrying a mixture of the Israel flag and the ‘Pride’ flag, a misappropriation of the rainbow, being the sign of God’s covenant with Noah and all of Earth. In my view, the Pride flag should be nowhere near the Flag of Zion, but that is Telavivians for you.

Of course, there is nothing new about factions of the People Israel desiring to assimilate with their neighbours and their neighbours’ false gods and ensigns.

Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, Yuval Noah Harari, advisor to the German megalomaniac Klaus Schwab (son of a Nazi industrialist) was warning that people like Yishai Fleisher, advisor to Itamar Ben Gvir, are comparable to Fascist dictators, who although democratically elected (as Mussolini and Hitler were of course) are now determined to upend democracy for absolute dictatorship. Here is his speech, with his absurd claims that Israel has voted in Fascism, posted on Twitter by Telavivian (and social-media friend) Efrat Fenigson, who is quite popular here in the UK as a result of her battle against Israel’s mandating of Pfizer-BioNTech’s mRNA injectables.

Of course, Efrat and her friends lost the battle, and the political and health institutions of Israel agreed to be ‘Pfizer’s world lab’, thereby, perversely, making the Jewish nation the first nation of the world in 2021 to violate the Nuremberg Code.

Harari, the arch-atheist and putative upholder of democracy, is a full-on gene hacker, who believes that humans are ‘hackable’ animals. He claims that , ‘history will end when men become gods’ and that, ‘man will go beyond God of the Bible’. As for hacking the human genome, and why I personally refused the Covid-19 gene therapy, here is a piece I wrote about Moderna as the gene therapy was first deployed in the UK in early 2021. (I refuse to use the word ‘vaccines’ for the mRNA injectables, just as I refuse to use the words ‘West Bank’ for Judea. As Moderna explained to its own shareholders, their mRNA products are gene therapy, as I wrote in this piece.)

The Telavivian mascot, Yuval Noah Harari, is the Israeli exemplar of Godless scientism and ‘democracy’. He is extremely popular and influential here in the UK. And the World Economic Forum (WEF) of Klaus Schwab is now pervasive in all nations of the West, or as Schwab famously said, we ‘now penetrate the cabinets’ of governments (as a result of the WEF’s ‘young global leader’ program). The WEF’s so-called ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is now UK Government policy, as you can see on the UKGov website: Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).  The UK Government tells us (straight from the Harari/Scwhab playbook) that:

“It [the Fourth Industrial Revolution] is characterised by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics – that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds. It will disrupt nearly every industry in every country, creating new opportunities and challenges for people, places and businesses to which we must respond.”

UK Government: ‘Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ (June 2019)

I can think of no ideology more anti-Judaism or anti-Christian. The Body is the Temple.

Events in Israel affect the whole world, and the battles in Israel today seem to be the microcosm of the great ideological battle of our times, or what Augustine of Hippo called the conflict between ‘the City of Man’ and ‘the City of God’ (in his important book, On the City of God Against the Pagans).

Israel is to be the ‘head nation not a tail nation’. Israel is ‘the Apple of His Eye’. If the light unto the nations becomes blind, all nations become blind. We would expect God to ‘hide His face’ and all nations to descend into Harari’s ‘democratic’ Hell. There is nothing more meaningful than fighting for a Godly Israel. Israel must show the world that there is another way.

Posted in Antisemitism, France, Germany, Israel, Judaism, Political philosophy, Theology, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

My City of London Paintings at Silicon Valley Bank

I’m as surprised as anyone to see the sudden collapse of Silicon Valley Bank – the biggest bank to collapse since the financial crisis of 2008 – taken over yesterday by US Federal regulators due to a run on the bank.

The regulators will begin to sell off SVB’s assets, which includes two of my original paintings in fact! I hope that the liquidators get a good price for them. I would be fascinated to learn where they end up, hopefully not in a skip!

Me next to my painting at Silicon Valley Bank at their offices in the City of London in 2012.





Below are my two paintings presently owned by SVB. I hope they go to a good home! One of the organisers of the Thames Pageant, Malcolm Knight, wrote to me to tell me, ‘I was doing a little online research for an article and found your painting – a splendid representation of the culmination of 3 years work for me and the Thames Alive team’. 

It’s a pity I’d already sold it. Otherwise it might have ended up in Buckingham Palace!

Signed limited-edition (150) prints available on request.

Posted in Great Britain, painting, Pastel, Thames Pageant Painting | 1 Comment

Why I compared Andrew Bridgen MP to Colonel Picquart

On 23 December 2022, I wrote a tweet comparing Andrew Bridgen MP to Colonel Georges Picquart.

Colonel Picquart’s eventual unveiling of ideological antisemitism running through all parts of the French Establishment led to a crisis in the Third Republic and a complete restructuring of France, not least the definitive separation of Church and State in 1905.

I still compare Bridgen to Picquart, even more so now that Bridgen has been publicly humiliated by the Prime Minister on trumped-up charges of ‘antisemitism’.

I realise that it might now seem ironic that I compare the French colonel, who exposed systemic antisemitism, to an English MP who is now accused of antisemitism.

Here is Bridgen’s formal statement in response to the baseless allegations of antisemitism, and to his being suspended by the Conservative Party.

The label ‘antisemite’ that the Conservative Party evidently wants to attach to Bridgen is a merely a confusion tactic. Any other smear would have done, such as ‘racist’ or ‘homophobe’ or ‘bully’. It seems to me that Bridgen was asking too many questions of the Establishment’s Covid-19 vaccine narrative, and an ad hominem attack was needed urgently.

The most vociferous and public charge of antisemitism came from Matt Hancock MP, whom Bridgen says he will sue if Hancock does not publicly apologise.

Colonel Picquart was a brilliant young officer who had been promoted to head of counter espionage shortly after the Jewish officer Captain Alfred Dreyfus had been convicted of treason for spying during the Franco-Prussian War. Piquart discovered that documents containing secrets of French military manoeuvres had been passed to the Prussians not by Captain Dreyfus, but by a Major Ferdinand Esterhazy, who was still free, and who happened to be ideologically antisemitic. In the meantime, Dreyfus was languishing on the notorious Devil’s Island penal colony in French Guiana, condemned to spend the rest of his life in inhumane conditions, deprived of all human contact.

During the Dreyfus Affair (1894 to 1906), Picquart, at great risk to his own life and suffering sacrifices to his freedom, took on the whole of the French Establishment – Church, Army, Government, Press and the French criminal justice system, all of which were acting in lockstep. Even when the Establishment began to realise that Dreyfus was innocent, and the real spy was Major Esterhazy, they decided it was better to hide that truth, and allow Esterhazy to remain free, than to disgrace the whole nation.

I think that the history of the Dreyfus Affair gives us (who have been trying to get to the truth of the Covid-19 political narrative) reason to be optimistic. In every dark age, a critical mass of people wants the light. And in every age there are a small number of courageous individuals who will risk their livelihood, if not their life, to pursue truth and take on entrenched false narratives of the Establishment.

Picquart was far from the only person accusing France, but for a time he was the only person of the Establishment accusing the Establishment. Not until the celebrated author Emile Zola wrote I Accuse addressed to the French President, accusing the French Government of antisemitism and the unlawful jailing of Dreyfus, did a significant cohort of the French people – who became known as the ‘Dreyfusards’ – start to question the Establishment’s narrative and motives. Zola himself fled to Britain after writing I Accuse, rather than be sued and prosecuted by the French government.

The Army warned Picquart not to reveal what he had discovered, and removed him from his post, dispatching him out of the way to Tunisia. However, Picquart continued, obsessively, to uncover the truth, with the help of the Dreyfus family, and a growing number of Dreyfusards inspired by Zola. The Dreyfusards realised that France was not being cursed by Jewish insurgents and ‘Elders of Zion’ attempting to take over the world, rather France was being cursed by a new cycle of antisemitism.

As the French Establishment became increasingly desperate to conceal the truth, Picquart himself was court-martialled on trumped-up charges of fraud, i.e., of interfering with the evidence that had convicted Dreyfus. But the great dam of Establishment lies was starting to give way. Dreyfusards increased in number, France became ruptured along the lines of Anti-Dreyfusards and Dreyfusards.

The new cycle of French antisemitism had in fact been bubbling in France some time before the Dreyfus Affair. The antisemitic theories and publications of Édouard Drumont were very influential, not least because there were Jews implicated in the Panama Canal Scandal, in which an incredible half a billion francs was poured down a black hole.

I see a parallel between the Panama Scandal and the ‘track and trace’ of the UK Government in 2021, which even the mainstream media now accepts resulted in the waste of £37 billion: a third of the NHS annual budget.


I have been challenging the Covid-19 vaccine narrative for longer than Andrew Bridgen MP (who says he chose to be double-jabbed), partly in solidarity with those facing compulsory jabs (such as the 100,000-plus NHS workers who refused the jabs) and partly for my own self-preservation. Being determinedly un-jabbed by a Covid-19 ‘vaccine’, I was being coerced, distrusted, disliked and stigmatised by many parties and individuals (including my employer). My distrust of the new generation of medical products was based on my professional experiences in the life sciences, as I wrote on my blog here, and my knowledge of Pfizer’s long criminal rap sheet.

I have also, as it happens, spent several years challenging antisemitism. Indeed, in 2021, the UK Jewish community awarded me for my fighting antisemitism, along with 24 other British non-Jews, some famous, including J.K. Rowling.

I see no evidence that Bridgen is antisemitic, and neither does my friend Karen Harradine, prolific Jewish journalist for The Conservative Woman (TCW), or Dr Norman Fenton, who will be familiar to TCW readers for his risk analysis of the mRNA vaccines. Fenton tells us here – Thoughts on suspension of MP Andrew Bridgen for antisemitism relating to vaccine remarks  – that he is Jewish and that his father was a Holocaust survivor.

I know there are some Jewish individuals and organisations (such as the Board of Deputies) who have taken offence at the word ‘holocaust’ (even though Bridgen was actually quoting a Jewish Israeli doctor), but Jewish organisations are extremely unlikely to accuse Bridgen of antisemitism.

Those, such as Matt Hancock, who have accused Bridgen of antisemitism are in fact the ones who are trivialising the real and devastating curse of antisemitism, which is on the rise again worldwide, not least in France, where President Macron admits it is at the worst levels since the Second World War.

Posted in Antisemitism, Great Britain, Political philosophy, Science, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Time to Question the Safety of G5-Frequency Radiation

5G communication, like gene therapy, is fundamental to the transnational political project known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), which (since 2019) has been formal UK Government policy.

4IR is not a conspiracy theory, it is UK Government policy, and we must take it at face value. Some of the ideas and ideologies of 4IR are so extreme that they apparently have not registered in the minds of most of the UK population. Most people that I know are simply not aware of them.

In Communist China, 5G and biotechnologies such as synthetic mRNA for adults and children can be imposed by the Government whether the people approve or not. In the UK, without general acceptance of gene therapy, and without general acceptance of 5G, the 4IR is beyond the reach of our Government, whose policy paper describes 4IR as:

‘[…] characterised by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics – that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds. It will disrupt nearly every industry in every country, creating new opportunities and challenges for people, places and businesses to which we must respond’.

5G is even more vital to 4IR than gene therapy. Both 5G and 4IR are rooted in the same transhumanist ideology to which UK Gov thinks ‘we must respond’.

I suggest ‘we must respond’ to, and against, the whole of the UK Gov’s 4IR implementation policy, including 5G. There is, in any case, no such thing as a ‘fourth Industrial Revolution’, as I wrote in my previous piece.

Without 5G, the 4IR cannot get off the ground (I will give a short technical explanation soon). And so just as governments, and the WEF, did not want to see evidence that gene therapy might be dangerous, the UK Government and all the other governments signed up to the WEF will not want to see evidence that 5G is unsafe.

As things stand, 5G is a risk to human health. Nowhere in the world are there adequate published data and safety trials on the use of 5G-frequency communications for our mobile phones.

I have read numerous technical papers saying that 5G ‘should be’ safe, and is ‘expected’ to be safe. And I have read other technical papers raising the alarm. Here for instance is a safety review on the US Gov’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) website which tells us that although some 5G safety studies have been done, they ‘do not provide adequate and sufficient information for a meaningful safety assessment’.

Before we continue, let us dispel with the conspiracy theories. I will link here to Ofcom’s explanation. Ofcom is not only tasked with imposing Government guidelines for the standards and content of TV and radio transmissions, but with regulating the UK communications infrastructure, and licensing the use of frequencies, including the new 5G frequencies. I regard Ofcom as a mouthpiece of the Government, and I do not trust the incumbent Government, but I agree with this opening statement of Ofcom:

‘There is a conspiracy theory that claims 5G is connected to the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19). This is wrong. There is no scientific basis or credible evidence for these claims’.

I also agree with Ofcom that vandalism of any apparatus that vandals perceive to be G5 technology is wrong, and such criminal activity could prove dangerous by jeopardising emergency communications. However, the very fact that 5G technology (which needs to be located close to the ground) can be easily vandalised (or possible hacked) makes the use of 5G in critical systems and safety systems questionable. Much of the rest of the Ofcom page is, to be blunt, part disingenuous and part spurious, as was Ofcom’s management of media and social media concerning Covid-19 in support of the Government’s messaging.  

Ofcom ensures that the Government/NHS/MHRA position on mRNA injectables is communicated, while ostensibly protecting us from non-governmental ‘harmful content’ that challenges the vaccine rollout and other policies. Ofcom’s so-called ‘harmful content’ legislation included suppressing any information on prophylactic and therapeutic medicines for Covid-19, such as Vitamin D supplements and Ivermectin. The Government’s/Ofcom’s messaging was: there are no treatments, only [4IR] vaccines. We now know that much of the Government’s messaging was harmful content, on masks, lockdowns, and mRNA injectables.

The tone of Ofcom’s webpage on 5G implies that Ofcom will promote 5G, and that Ofcom will sanction voices, such as mine, which question the safety of 5G.

We are being ‘nudged’ to [4IR] 5G by Ofcom and the same institutions that nudged most of the UK to form queues at vaccination centres, or to become volunteer vaccinators. And whereas vaccines were sold to the masses with Government schemes such as ‘jab for a kebab’ (a free takeout meal or taxi ride in return for accepting the jab), 5G is also proving to be an easy sell to the benighted: faster online gaming.

What are the 5G frequencies?

I have been involved with radio frequencies since the beginning of my career as radar engineer in the RAF in the 1980s, until recently working as a scientific technical writer on mass spectrometry for the life sciences (as I wrote here) which uses similar technologies of electromagnetic amplification as radar.

I have often written about safety concerning ionising-radiation equipment (X-ray) and non-ionising-radiation equipment. I have worked often on radars with frequencies in the millimetre range (the 5G range). The millimetre band of ‘microwave’ frequencies has always been known to be dangerous. These frequencies are not high enough to ‘ionise’ molecules (such as our DNA molecules), but they can have a huge punch of power that can heat and damage human-body surface tissue. And we have delicate surfaces, such as the cornea and the inner ear, which I for one do not want to subject to 5G frequencies.

The general rule is, the longer the wavelength, the more it can penetrate but the more harmless it is. Long-wave radio uses long waves, which are several miles in length. These long waves can pass through buildings, and through the ground, which is why longwave frequencies are (or were before the Internet) popular for international broadcasts. ‘Shortwave’ radio frequencies can be broadcast around the globe, but they are also very long, just shorter than the frequencies classed as long waves.

Here is Ofcom’s graphic explaining that 5G are ‘radio-frequency’ waves ranging from 3 kHz to (1 million times greater) 300 GHz. This is true, but the general reader is likely to think that 300 GHz is a harmless frequency that can be picked up by a radio receiver.

The ‘possible future 5G airwaves’ are known in the trade as ‘extremely high frequency’ (EHF). They are unprecedented in civilian communications. Frankly, I think the ‘possible’ frequencies are the planned frequencies, because the lower frequencies cannot pack in the data required for 5G (if 5G is to be significantly different to 4G).

Now, the reason for wanting to increase the electromagnetic frequency is that a 5G wavelength can carry a hundred times more data than a 4G wavelength. And the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution is going to need all this extra bandwidth for such things as self-driving cars, and your ‘brain implant’ linked to other brain implants and to the Artificial Intelligence to which UK Gov says it wants to ‘fuse’ our human biology. (Brain implants are described here by Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, and proposer of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution.)

Because the 5G frequencies have poor penetration, and can easily be blocked by material objects, such as walls, transmitters need to be more frequent, lower to the ground, inside buildings, and more powerful (in terms of wattage).

I certainly would not like to live or work very near to a 5G transmitter, such as one above my desk, but (due to the inverse-square law) the radiation power drops very quickly to what should be safe levels within metres of the transmitter.

The 5G network (in order for it to be fully realised) requires in fact three bands of frequencies, the lowest frequencies being longer range (or macro) comms, and the highest being short-range (or micro) comms. The micro environment depends on many transmitters within, literally, no more than a stone’s throw of each other (no more than about 10 houses apart). (Here is a description of micro cells, or small cells, whose range can be as little as 10 metres, on the 5G technology website 5GRadar.) More concerning is that the 5G mobile phone in your pocket, or on your ear, or in front of your eyes, is a 5G transmitter.

I do not doubt that, soon, we will be encouraged to get a 5G phone with the same Government-marketing intensity as ‘SMART meters’, in order to obsolete 4G.

Personally, I do not want or need anything that 5G can offer that is different to 4G. And I suspect that we have reached the limits of what is safe with 4G frequencies, there already being concerns about the safety of prolonged use of 4G phones. How many people know that Apple recommends keeping the 4G phone 1 cm away from the body? Apple tells us the RF exposure tests are done at 1 cm, the latest Samsung phones are deemed safe at 1.5 cm.  But if the phone is carried in a breast pocket or trouser pocket, it is as good as touching the body.

I certainly do not want the 4IR, which is the techno-progressive cult of the WEF. For some it is science for the sake of science; others have bought into the transhumanist ideology. The whole aim of 4IR is dehumanising, making us servants of technology and AI. Some of our politicians – Conservative and Labour – go annually to the WEF annual conferences at Davos, Switzerland, and return to tell us that 4IR is a fait accompli. But 4IR is not a fait accompli; it is a dangerous and dehumanising ideology in which I want no part.

Technology and communications are wonderful things. I am not advocating less communications technology, but I am suggesting we have reached the practical and safe limits, and in the UK we do not need more, despite the fact that China is seen to be leading the ‘race’ to 5G. As I have written often, Communist China – which is suppressing and oppressing its tens of millions of Christians – is leading the race to Hell, and 5G is vital to its intrusive monitoring and social-crediting of the whole Chinese population. Indeed, in China, Covid-19 has been used as the pretext for the ‘need’ for increased surveillance.

There are many scientists and doctors sharing concerns about 5G, such as this letter from an organisation called Environmental Health Trust, concerned primarily about ‘neurological impacts, infertility, and cancer’. Frankly, I think that 5G should concern us even more than mRNA therapy, not only because, in 4G, we have already reached, if not surpassed, the safe limits for RF exposure, but because of the UK Government’s ideological reasoning for wanting 5G.


Posted in Great Britain, Political philosophy, Science, Uncategorized | 5 Comments